This image is the top of our bookcase. On the left stands the Curse of Strahd Revamped coffin box. In front of it is our copy of Dungeon Mayhem game. In the middle is an amber colored decorative candle holder in the shape of a globe made of iron. On the right is the D&D Essentials Kit and Starter Set boxes stacked on top of each other.

What is Dungeon Fox Chronicles?

  A blog filled with honest RPG reviews, stories and articles written by your Foxy Dungeon Mistress, GM Wolfsfox.  Read about topics on some of our favorite ttrpgs both large and small. Welcome to my dungeon!

Welcome to Dungeon Fox Chronicles!

The Dungeon Fox Chronicles Logo is a burnt orange capital D with fox ears at the top and a floofy fox tail wrapping around the bottom.


Posted below you will find all of the latest updates and notes from your foxy GM. Everything posted under announcements will be under chronological order from newest to oldest. Articles will have hyper links in each announcement that can be clicked to take you directly there. Explore the blog by clicking the topics that interest you on the side bar to see the articles for each or read the announcements below to see what tickles your fancy. 

Upcoming Postings

Dungeon Fox Chronicles is my passion project, and I will provide articles when I am able. Some times you will get biweekly articles, other larger articles take longer time to write and you will get those as my free time allows. When I have articles in progress or ready for posting you will find them here or on our social media pages to alert you to upcoming article releases. 


- Flabbergasted

-D20 Tales tour

Upcoming Paint Night

Join us at The Gamers Den for a Wiz Kid Paint night. Make sure to contact them to reserve your spot in class. 

Last class: 

Upcoming Twitch Streams

You can find our streams at

Sunday Streaming:

Party of Two- Coming Back Soon

Community Steam Game Night: 

Coming Back Soon   

Community TTRPG Streamed Game Night: 

Coming Back Soon

Updates for Dungeon Fox Chronicles


Hello darling dungeoneers,

It has been way to long since I've last written to you all and for that I apologize. I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you with a heartfelt apology for my prolonged absence from the blog, twitch, and Dungeon Fox Chronicles as a whole. I understand that my sudden disappearance may have left many of you wondering about my whereabouts, and for that, I am truly sorry.

Life, as we all know, can sometimes get in the way of our best-laid plans. Over the past few months, I have been facing some unexpected life issues that required my full attention and energy. Navigating through these challenges was not easy, and it took more time than I anticipated to recover and regain my strength. The new job that I started in January with high hopes continued to move the goal posts and presented unforeseen demands. It also has come to the point that after 10 months of dedication and intense learning that I may be looking for a new job at the end of the year due to a change in the company’s structure. Balancing these responsibilities while prioritizing my health became overwhelming, and I had to make the difficult decision to step away temporarily from the blog to focus on these pressing matters.

I want to assure you that my commitment to this community remains unwavering and I have many times thought about you all and am hoping you all have been well. Your support and understanding mean the world to me, and it is your encouragement that has motivated me to return with a renewed spirit and fresh content that I hope will resonate with you. I am not quite ready to come back but the pathway to returning has reopened. I do hope to see all of you and catch up properly once the dungeon doors reopen.

Thank you for your patience, compassion, and continued support during this time. I am excited to reconnect and share new experiences, insights, and stories with all of you. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or thoughts you might have—I would love to hear from you.  Looking forward to embarking on this new chapter together.

With gratitude and warmth,

Your Foxy GM, Wolfsfox

4/21/24 Hello dearest readers.  My health is finally back to a good level and last weekend I took advantage of sun and fresh air to work outside on articles. I'm almost to the point where I am released from training at work, hopefully within the next month meaning that we're almost to the finish line and will have the time to work on articles back during the week! Flabbergasted article is almost done- and I hope to have it out this week. Today we are up at The Gamers Den for our April paint day with the Yuan-ti Abomination. I have definitely started to feel a bit more at home with my new job and am surrounded by nerds. Me and my cubical partner both play D&D and last Thursday we were random encountered as someone put Lizard folk Wiz kids minis on each of our desks. I'm bringing that mini  along to class today as well to try go get some paint on it and then he'll return to my desk when he's finished. Working over mental blocks to start dusting off unfinished articles and starting to make a plan to come back to the castle and Dungeon as I have missed all of you. Thank you for patience and understanding. I do feel the best I have in over a year now that I am not around children and have a chance to fully get better. Do I miss teaching and the kids? Definitely, but I do not miss the sickness and dealing with RSV & Pneumonia with 2 months of meds trying to get it in control I think this was really what was best for the Fox. 

As we are doing the Yuan-ti Abomination I have added the painting directions to the Wizkid's paint kit article. The Owl Bear and Oni directions are about both half way completed and will be added soon as well. Hope to be back soon with more updates and more articles. Until next time-take care of yourselves out there. 

2/23/24 Happy Friday dear dungoneers. This past week we had a great time painting the Death Tyrant at the Gamers Den, thank you to everyone who made it out to our painting class. If you missed the class or if you would like a set of the paint kit directions that I create you can find the full list of Paint Kit directions here. I try to keep it updated with the directions that I create. The March class will be held March 24th and it will be the Yeth Hound, but the directions are already uploaded to the blog page in case you want to paint it at home, or see if it is a mini you would be interested in. 

2/16/24 *emerges from under blanket fort* oh hello there. It's been a month! Literally and figuratively. As I was excited to tell you all that I got a new job- the children of my classroom cursed me goodbye by gifting me RSV and pneumonia proving once again that Constitution is my dump stat. The lungs are getting to the point where I am hoping that they are well enough to get strong and this be the last time they get so sick. It also means that all the productivity and hope I had at the beginning of January got put on hold due to health. I will say that my new job has been so amazing when it comes to making sure that it's employees take care of themselves and I was able to do some trainings at home hybrid style so I could rest and take care of myself. 

This coming Tuesday is the Death Tyrant paint night at the Gamers Den and in March we are switching from Tuesdays to Sunday for class- allowing for more class time and painting variety. March's class will be the Yeth Hound and when we get a date in the calendar I will let you all know. All of the Time to Paint brochures that I have created are now up for download on the Ko-fi page. 

1/14/24 Happy 2024 dear readers. It has been a wild ride.  There is so much news to share with all of you so bare with me as this entry is bound to be a bit of a longer one. First things first after doing some online classes and expanding my learning I have successfully gotten a new job. After a decade in various classrooms I will no long be teaching. What this means is after my initial trainings are done I will be working in a hybrid position (no more 2 hours of commuting every day) and it will mean more time for things like Dungeon Fox Chronicles. It ultimately (and what I most hope for) is that I won't be so sick. 2023 was not a pretty year when it came to physical or mental health mostly because my lungs like to give up on me months at a time. It is my hope that with me being healthier I can devote more time to this passion project of mine. I love seeing our community grow and know that you all are here in our Dungeon reading away. As I leave the classroom it also means that the classroom pet Guinea Pig - renamed Potato- has retired to our Dungeon home. As we give her some end of life & comfort care you may see some piggie pictures hanging out with our usual cat familiar. Molly Moo is very interested in having this small pet of her own and so far has been a good baby. 

The second piece is streaming. I am working hard on being able to get streaming back up and running. Part of that is when I get excited I get loud. As Sleepy and I still live with others (also hoping to change that with new job) my desk is out in a common space and as we were getting to the point again where we were doing multiple streams I was too noisy for a common space. I do have a decibel meter now on my desk and Sleepy and I are working on making it where I will be hopefully able to stream again. I miss our community game nights and Party of Two still is on to eventually play Neverwinter Nights and Baldur's Gate 3. 

Another exciting thing for those who are local is the Gamers Den has extended my contract for Painting Night Kits!  I owe y'all some paint night kit direction uploads. I have also finished the touch ups on all of the "Time to Paint" pamphlets; once I am done making the printer friendly version of the documents I will have them all up free to download on the Ko-fi page. Those who are here for painting things, the Owlbear is the most requested mini that people want directions to. As there is no Paint Night box kit I painted an owlbear and am about half way through typing up the directions for you all. I have specific paints that I am reusing from other paint night kits but you will be able to mix and match with paints that you may have already at home. I hope that there is more painting tutorials, streams and articles added to the blog in 2024. Sleepy has already got big plans for his Hellwasp and turning it into Hel colors that I really hope to show you all. Remember, when you paint it is your creature and you can feel free to let your imagination run wild. 

ARTICLES! Oh man do I have a back log of articles so as always thank you for your patience. The first article that is in progress of being typed out and edited is Flabbergasted. I am still as excited to introduce you all to the 1920's a fantastic TTRPG written by sisters Fleur & Chelsea Sciortino of The Wander’s Tome. If you are looking for a fun roleplay heavy game I hope you will check out the article and their game. 

As I start my new work from home job unfortunately I did have to pack away a lot of ttrpg pieces to make space and to just generally give my very open common space "office" the more business vibe. It was very hard to pack away things but don't you worry one day I will have them back out, but for now Edge of the Empire, Avatar Legends, all of the D&D that isn't 5e and some Pathfinder 1E all got packed. I am keeping One Ring out and my independent ttrpg peeps out of storage so you may see more updates on those fronts. 

Most of my personal tables have been on hiatus due to my health, the switching of jobs, life events and just the time of the year. Hopefully as February hits you will get some occasional updates from stories from my tables. Sleepy and I also started the Dragon Isle starter box with the nephew who over winter break saw us painting and got intrested. He picked out the dragonborn mini below and Auntie Fox painted it and the boy seemed to enjoy the first session. We will see if we can continue the family tradition of getting this family interested in D&D when they're 8 (which is when Sleepy started AD&D with his folks). 

You have made it to the end of this update! Thank you for reading and for being one of our Dungeoneers. I hope your holiday season went well and that you are staying healthy out there. Until next time be good to each other and remember, Adventure Awaits!

11/27/23 Hello dear Dungeoneers! Today is our 3 year anniversary of Dungeon Fox Chronicles. Time has flown by and I am so grateful for all of you who have been here on this journey with me and your unwavering support and loyalty. I never imagined how much love Dungeon Fox Chronicles was going to get. To date we have reached 85 countries with 2998 Dungeoneers- that means a lot to me knowing that you all are reading and hopefully enjoying what I write. I am humbled by the fact that you all have spent your time with me by reading this blog as well as those who have joined in our Twitch streams. This year I also started teaching in person paint nights and have had a blast with 3 successful classes so far with another in a few weeks. It has been beyond amazing getting to work and be a part of this ttrpg family. 

The painting of miniatures has been therapeutic and so good for my brain. I have very much enjoyed sharing this passion with others. It is the reasoning behind our new "Time to Paint" brochures to help pass on advice, experience and hopefully the love of painting minis to others. The "Fixing the Whoopsies" is up on the Ko-fi page and the rest will soon follow. 

As we embark on a new chapter, I look forward to sharing the many things that I hope to get from my brain and onto paper to you. Here's to the the last three years we've had together and to the many more articles, streams and adventures that are yet to come. Thank you for your patience, and unwavering support, and I look forward to celebrating many more milestones with you. I hope you stick around to see what comes next. Remember, Adventure Awaits! 

With love and appreciation,


Your Foxy GM

11/25/23  We have our first war gaming review article up! It's my pleasure to introduce you to Quasar by Arcane Whiskers. I hope that you enjoy learning about this unique skirmish & RP game. There is a brief article Let's talk Citadel Paints as I go over the different types of paints available through this company. We also have two new painting articles on Getting Started with Painting, and Mixing Madness. I have been enjoying teaching miniature painting classes and have been  working on creating more of the painting pamphlets going over the most common skill questions and trying to pass on my painting advice. I will post when I have to completed (and updated) set up in the Ko-fi shop. My next in person painting class will be Tuesday December 12th at the Gamer's Den and we will be getting to do the beautiful Hell Wasp. 

Monday the 27th will be our 3 year anniversary of Dungeon Fox Chronicles! Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this adventure. This morning we will be doing a Community stream and I'll be painting miniatures using your chat suggestions. Hope to see you there!

11/16/23 Tuesday we had a great time painting the Ice Troll at the Gamers Den! That means that the Ice Troll Kit directions is now up in the google drive for you all at home as well. This weekend we will be hosting a private paint night with some friends so there will be more painting pictures up on Sunday. There are also some more "Time to Paint" pamphlets in process of being created. After a bit more editing they will be uploaded in the Painting Miniatures section and on the Ko-fi page as well. 

11/12/23 Hope everyone had a fantastic spooky season. Your Fox and Wolf duo are still recuperating after getting sick (Again). For that reason we will be doing our Party of Two stream starting back up next Saturday. We also are doing the Community Steam Game time Saturday Nov. 25th.   Here are some of the articles that have been updated: Fox Zen Time- which goes over why I enjoy painting; Flamecraft- the adorable dragon based board game; I reviewed a few more things for The Bookshelf including another Young Adventure's Guide for Dragons & Treasures, and also a D&D magazine called Inside the World of Dungeons and Dragons. The bigger articles on Quasar and Flabbergasted will be in with the next round of article updates.

10/23 & 24/23 Hello from up north in the Boundary Waters. It has been amazing driving up with all the fall colors, and Sleepy and I have been enjoying the wood cabin and fire place. The mental health has been slowly growing back to the positive side, and so has the productivity. I am currently tucked inside a log cabin built in 1941 with a fire roaring in the stone fireplace, my laptop set up on the table next to the window where I have a beautiful view of the pine and birch trees framing Loon Lake. The leaves have mostly fallen here as it's been quite moist/rainy but it's still fall. At the moment there is a nice little fog over the back half of the lake which makes it perfect for Sleepy's Gm prepping for a Strahd one shot and for me to just sit and work in peace. We also got to do some good ol'fashioned fall activities with his family before we trekked north so we got to see some cool pumpkin patch places, beat his family through a corn maze and visited an apple orchard from my child hood. Yes some tasty snacks made it up north with us, including some apple cider. I'm not a pumpkin spice girl but I do love me some apples. 

     I finished the first of my "Time to Paint" pamphlets, which I hope to release to help those learning how to paint ttrpg miniatures. My first pamphlet stems from the questions and concerns that came up with fixing painting boo boos at my last paint night at the Gamers Den. If you would like a pdf copy of this pamphlet it can be found on my Kofi for free as a pay-what-you-want download: There will be other pamphlets coming on topics such as tips to getting started, detail works, how to mix paints/glazes/washes, and some color theory. I will also be adding the information in these pamphlets to the blog as well, but I have the pamphlets as a printable option as I know that the Google Sites pages that my articles are on are not printer friendly.  I have also updated the Miniatures Page a bit, adding the Boo boo's article as well as updating the Paint Night Kits. you can now find my little disclaimer at the top of the article as well as some additions in the middle, and at the very end the Google Drive link to both my Boneclaw and Red Slaad directions sheet. 

    Goomhaven made it up to the cabin with us along with my other article pieces so I hope to have more articles up for you in the near future. As my lungs are cooperating a bit better it is our hope to be back to Twitch streaming in November and be back with more consistency as long as my health keeps making improvements. 

    I'm also excited to say that our next paint night for those in our area is going to be on Tuesday the 14th of November back at the Gamers Den and as long as all goes will with the order we'll be doing the Hellwasp that I loved so much for it's translucent wings. I do plan on continuing to make paint night instruction guides (like the Boneclaw one linked in the post below from 10/18) and hope to make a choose your own owl bear one for my dear readers as well. I love painting things with feathers and details as you get to put lots of techniques together. 

    Incase I don't make another post before next week, I wish you all a safe and fun end to spooky season. If you are taking part of any holiday one shots- may you have critical successes. Our Saltmarsh crew gets to enjoy a one shot where I will be in the player seat and Sleepy is taking the chair behind the GM screen for an evening of Strahd filled fun. Halloween is also Sleepy's birthday so eat some cake, do some quests and we'll catch you all back here soon. Until we meet again, take care of yourselves and each other. As always remember- Adventure waits!



10/18/23 It's spooky season y'all. Last night I ran my second Paint Night class at The Gamers Den doing the Boneclaw this time! If you would like to try this mini for yourself you can find the link to my Pdf step by step guide here

A reminder that our community game night will be this Friday evening before we head north from 7:00-9 pm. We will be having another Jackbox STEAM code give away as well during our play time. 

Sleepy and I are going on a much needed vacation up to the Boundary Waters so we will most likely not be available as I am not sure if the wifi/phone signal will get anything up north. We will have more things for you when we get back. 

9/22/23 Good morning Dungeoneers! It's almost the end of September and  I can't believe it. This Tuesday we had our first in person community Paint Night class at The Gamers Den. I had a blast working with a dozen students to paint the Red Slaad kit. Sadly some of the paint pots were a bit dried up but we were still able to work around it and get everyone a painted mini. I ended up bringing my mini to work with me next day and finished painting in the gym while waiting for a work meeting. I at least got to use some more of my Valejo paint pots that I have been collecting over the years from previous paint kits and was able to get my Red Slaad to where it was supposed to be.  We are now problem solving for what we're going to do for the next paint night on the 17th of October. October is going to be a bit busy but we are planning on resuming our Bauldur's Gate Dark Alliance streams this Sunday and we have Thursday October 12th on the calendar for another Community Game Night. We'll look at November or December for doing another early morning Community stream time. 

Articles are being written an on their way. This newest group of students that I got this fall has been the hardest class I have ever had in my 8+ years of teaching. My lunch breaks have been caffeine refueling and naps; but I do hope that at some point they will calm down, learn routines & rules so I can get back to blog writing on my break. Next week is also my last week of strange scheduling meaning that in October you will get more early morning streams from me before work. This is where I'll do some daily tarot readings, some video games and some blog work done on Twitch before I start out on the commute. Hope you all are staying healthy and safe out there!

9/4/23- Hello Dungeoneers! Thank you to those who came out last week for our community game night. I'm still on whisper mode but I am starting to make my constitution saving throws towards being healthier. Hoping my voice will return for next weekend as I got some big ttrpg things coming and hopefully some good news! Those of you who are teachers out there, may this school year bring good adventures. I know that I'm going to have my handful with a new class of 26 tomorrow and I can tell that they are a bunch of rogues and barbarians coming my way. This means that soon I'll be going back to my usual work schedule at the end of the month and can start doing some tarot/blog streams in the morning before work. Join me with some coffee/tea/cocoa as we do a daily pull and get a peek at what's coming to the dungeon. 

It's been a really hot doozy of a Labor Day weekend, so of all the weekends to be sick on I will say being inside with the familiar in AC has been nice.  A small blog update has been posted into The Bookshelf featuring a short article on Dungeon Club Roll Call- a graphic novel.  Some light reading from the library has filled my time in between much needed naps. We also bought a blow up pool for the Fox to splash around in, which definitely helped bring some sanity points back. We know I'm hiding a mermaid tail, so having a 5ft watering hole was nice. The back yard turkeys weren't sure what to think of it though.  

In other news, I GOT A NEW LAPTOP! This is going to make working on the blog a lot easier. I am very happy that Sleepy and I were able to find me a little beast. Some of you got a sneak peek at our gardens as this little machine does well even outside of the house. It means that I'm hoping that painting streams will come back as well as I am dabbling with OBS on the laptop to bring some more streams back when we get some free time. 

8/18/23 It's been an interesting week. I hope that your adventures are going well. Tonight we will be joining our friends from Witch and Smith playing Witch It on their anniversary stream. We hope that you can come and join us in celebrating with our friends. 

8/15/23  Thank you to everyone who came out and supported our streams on Sunday. It was a joy to see so many Dungeoneers again. I have a brief update on this Tuesday night: I have created my first item for my ko-fi shop! You can now download my D&D Adventure Journal for players for $1. There is a color and a printer friendly version, both included. I hope you enjoy it. 

Tonight my Tues D&D group played together after a short break. It was pure beautiful chaos and rule of cool ran supreme. We had a "dollar store Iron man" moment as Warforged blasted across the dungeon with the kobold sniping shots with his bow Master Blaster style on the construct's back. It was beautiful as two fire balls wiped out enemies on a ledge and our barbarian with constellation based tattoos decided that her new guardian spirits/shields will all take form of constellation animals flavor wise from here on out. 

8/11/2023 Happy Friday Dungeoneers! Hope the week treated you well. We are super excited to get back into streaming this weekend. If you are free we would love to have you jump into chat for one or both streams. My Twitch channel has also been updated with the streaming schedule for the month of August!

I am working hard on making sure the website has updates and working on all of the upcoming articles. For today you get one new article about the board game 5-Minute Dungeon! As I found out the library has a new board game library to borrow from you will start to get a wider variety of content article wise as I add more to the "Boards and Card Games" and "The Bookshelf" sections of the blog. 

8/6/2023 Whelp, It's already August. Hello lovely dungeoneers. How I have missed you. Let me start by saying July definitely didn't go as planned, and Constitution is and always will be my worst dump stat. Besides having the weak statistics of your common NPC towns person my laptop also made the choice for me that it was time to retire. I am doing health wise a bit better now, and I bit the preverbal monetary magic missile and a new laptop is coming by the end of the coming week. Thank you to everyone who has checked in on me during the very not planned month of absence.  Google loves sending reminders to me about how many of you there are who check this blog monthly and I appreciate each and every one of you readers. It really was not my intention to be gone this long. The 3 articles are still being worked on and once the new laptop arrives it will be easier to add updates and articles to this here chronicles. 

I hope that everyone had a good July. Here goes a really quick run down: The Free RPG day was a sleepy experience but was very fun for me still as my first public event for DFC. I had 2 great players come and experience my take of  The Murkmire Malevolence at the Gamers Den. I am grateful that they asked me to come run a game in their guild hall. Our kayaking trip with the family went well, only turned into a mild tomato. Got some goodies from Fabled Flame and Tee Turtle that I look forward to showing yall when we get back into streaming. Did some minor painting here and there. Even when sick painting brings a nice calm and distraction. Game wise we got a session of Spell Jammer & Starlight in and our Tuesday group killed a green dragon. A lot of schedule conflicts and general health made it a very ttrpg light month. August is a bit more promising for some more sessions. 

6/22/23 Hello! *thuds suitcases to the floor and starts dusting out the dungeon* Long time, no see dungeoneers. It has been a packed month and I'm getting to the end of the scheduling chaos. I have missed you all dearly and as July comes around you should be able to see more of your foxy Gm again. Since we last met I have officially turned nerdy 30, Gm Bork (Sleepy) and I renewed our vows on our 7th wedding anniversary, I have run many private games including a one-shot to take some kiddos to the wonderful land of Witchlight and am preparing for this Saturday's Free RPG day where I will be running 2 games for the public.  I must be honest that I am very excited to teach newbies about games but also a bit nervous as this will be the first time I am running completely public games without getting to meet my players first so it shall be a grand adventure for me as well. Tomorrow my class is celebrating Free RPG Day early and they get to dress up as characters and I will be taking them through a variety of rpgs as well. 

Looking ahead we have a family kayaking trip on the 1st of July but after that I should be able to sit down and focus to write out the in progress articles. I started both Quasar and Flabbergasted and am very excited to introduce you all to these two games. 

   If you are local I would love to meet you in person at the amazing Gamers Den, otherwise where ever you are I encourage you to check and see if your friendly local game shop is doing anything to celebrate Free Rpg Day on Saturday. 

5/13/23 Happy Saturday! We made it to the weekend, Huzzah! This weekend I am excited to introduce you all to the website Albyon Absey's Geographical Almanac. This website has fabulous pre-made locations that you can add into your ttrpg campaigns. Its a great tool if you need a new location fast with minimal to no prep work.  Read the article and see if Albyon will be a great resource for your table as well. 

Dm Bork and I are off to Canada this coming week for a wedding, meaning I'll either get a ton done  in the 16 hours in the car or nothing at all. Quasar, a free "swashbuckling space opera" is currently in que and being read/reviewed. After that I am eager to introduce you all to Flabbergasted and then also give another review to our friends at D20 Tales. There are always an unlimited amount of things I want to review on my personal list as well but I want to make sure that these fabulous folks in my waiting list get done first. With May and June being so busy with travel and personal events we are hoping to get a July date back onto the calendaer for our streams, community game night and our Call of Cthulhu-Paper Chase rescheduled. Keep a look out for those dates!   

5/7/23 - 5/9 Hope you all had a good May the fourth, Return of the sixth and any other space celebrations you had the last few days. It's been nice to dive back head first into the ttrpg realms. Picked up the new speed paint mega box and had a great time painting the water elemental for yesterday's game. Dm Bork also helped me get the kraken finished as well.  After a nice long session got to sit down and enjoy the selection of comics from Free Comic Book Day that we picked up from the Den. 

What's been going on behind the screen? My Tues D&D group is making their way through the end of the Tomb of Diderius. They have made it through the tomb proper and is now making their way down into the Yuan-ti territories. As a player is on the road for the Ren Faire circuit we're getting a chance to play two weeks in a row, and we've been able to bring in some references to the game from this group's characters from the last campaign. 

Love being able to pull things from their own pasts. Now they are murdering enough lizard and snakes to make some impressive boots. Mar'ksss our party kobold has been using his boots of spider climb to sneak through caverns effectively from walls and ceilings.  We are also also having fun playing around with homebrew magical tattoos, specifically one for our barbarian that looks like the aurora borealis on her skin and comes to life and light when raging. 

My saltmarsh crew had a fabulous time invading the Guild Hall of The Gamer's Den and I was able to play on a fancy Wyrmwood table. We had tons of snacks and made our way through a nice long gaming session enjoying being at a gaming location. It was also fun for me to see people peeking into the window and smiling as they saw my crew having a good laugh. The crew got more time playing with our ship. They fought a water elemental that washed up onto deck,  saw an island that has some stranded navel officers and after mending their dingy and giving them supplies continued on knowing that a cultist will come to call on them they prepared. The party  set up a trap and easily destroyed the kraken cultist and then beat up the kraken.  

This coming weekend you will get the article on Albion Absey’s Geographical Almanac website. I'm excited to also be in the process of writing a review of the sci-fi space ttrpg called Quasar. 

Water elemental- painted with only speed paints. Proud of how the ombre turned out. 

Blinging out my painting rigs. Have The Army Painter stickers, Cantrip Candles and Sky Cowboy represented. 

The crew went to my favorite friendly local game shop and got to play in the guildhall. If you are in our neck of the woods I highly recommend The Gamers Den . Give their page some love if you can.

After a nice long session I got to relax and go through this year's free comic book day selection.

4/22/23 CONFRENCES ARE DONE!!! And the article writing has begun. May and June are packed with lots of real life events, including a trip to Canada for a wedding but now that conferences are done expect a few articles here and there. 

4/13/23 Hello dungeoneers. Having a hard brain week here as I'm trying to push through conferences prep and getting burnt out at work. Hoping in 2 weeks when conferences are done I will have more time to dedicate to y'all and bring you more articles. You all are beautiful; wishing you peace and lucky dice in your adventures.

4/9/23  Hello lovely Dungeoneers! Hope you’re doing well and having great adventures out there. Don’t worry, I’m still here in the background dealing with real life while my head and heart are still in our little ttrpg world. 

 Three months and 3 docs later I found out that sprained finger from New Years was actually broken so dealing with Physical Therapy and strengthening that hand back up. The doc says I still have a 1-2 month more in recovery. 

      Also working on putting me back through some training and certificate classes as I am try to switch from teaching to technology as a career. Teaching will always be part of my passion, which is why I love being a Gm so much but it is time to grow and expand into new realms.

 So what is on the docket for the blog? I have 4 articles currently on the in presses/coming next list. These include an article about the tour D20 Tales (D20 Collective) is doing, a review of Flabbergasted the amazing ttrpg written by The Wander’s Tome, a review of Albion Absey’s Geographical Almanac and a review of Quasar Tales. These four pieces will be coming out as they get finished and I will continue to work on bringing ya’ll more ttrpg content that I hope you enjoy and may experience for yourselves if you think you may like them as well. 

 I miss streaming with y’all and I do hope to bring Twitch content back as well but the truth is that consistent streaming probably won’t happen until Wolf and I have a place of our own. 

Whelp I think that is it for this update. Happy Egg day to those who are celebrating a holiday today. Until next time, be kind to each other out there and remember, Adventure Awaits. 

-Fox 🦊

3/5/23 Hello Dungeoneers. I hope where ever you are in your adventuring you are doing well. Today's publication is a special article reviewing Gelatinous Cubicles' Kickstarter for their book Tales from the Firelit Gathering. There is only a few days left in their Kickstarter campaign, so read the article and see if this new 5e book may be right for your table. 

Real life has been keeping us busy but we are working on the rescheduling of games and soon will get back to streaming. There are lots more minis to paint, more content to write and more rats to slay in video games as well. We hope that you continue to join us on our side quests and adventures. 

2/26/23  We survived a snow storm! Both sleepy and I had unprecedented snow days on Thursday and got to enjoy a relaxing day together. This week's article is about the creations by Shouting Crow Press. A variety of ttrpgs and a crowdfunding game still in the works, there are many choices to find a game that is right for you. 

There are a variety more of ttrpgs on the upcoming list as we dive into some more independent creations and a Kickstarter game. Streams are still a hit or miss, we did try to get Sleepy's stream set up done as well so you can see him on his own channel now and not just a voice in the background of mine. We are just starting to bring back ttrpgs, as yesterday was a very laid back session zero for a space campaign that Sleepy will be running and we will have our Tues D&D back this week now that we have had two weeks to heal. Our Sunday this coming week will be completing Labyrinth of Thorns. 

2/18/23 This has been a week from the darkest place of the abyss. From the loss of a familiar, to a loss of a friend, and an injury at work with no staff to support it felt as if I was clawing my way to Friday. I have kept the original post below as well. Monday started the week with hope so I shall continue into this post for hope for the next week. All of my games were cancelled this past week, this weekend and are tentitive for the following week. When the grieving has lessened and we can go back on stream a post will be made. I am hoping that we can play with you all next Sunday, or at least get back to painting on stream. For now, enjoy some articles about painting and know that some more will be posted in the near future. 

and What was originally typed: 2/13/23 Happy early Valentines to you and yours. We here at the dungeon will be spending tonight streaming games with the community and then tomorrow on Valentines Day proper we will be playing with our Tues D&D group with some more Tyranny of Dragons. Last night we played through most of Ashley Warren's "Labyrinth of Thorns" which is a St. Valentines day based one shot for lvl 4/5. Had a lot of fun and we plan on finishing the last room in a few weeks. 

The last few weeks we've dabbled in doing a few twitch streams with painting miniatures. Tonight we had a stream with me working on the large green dragon featured here. We'll keep working on it on stream and will hopefully be able to keep doing more mini painting with you all. As I have been stuck in overtime and will be for at least another week it has been hard to get to writing so the Shouting Crow Press article is still being worked on and is coming. However I have some painting articles updated and new ones posted as that has been the way I have been relaxing after long stressful work. Dry Brushing was updated with some more images and information. New articles include: The Importance of Priming, and Painting Tools

1/29/23 Hope you all are surviving through January. This week WOTC came out with the miraculous news that they are leaving OGL 1.oa untouched and making the SRD5.1 available under creative commons. I think this is a wonderful step in the right direction and am cautiously optimistic for what this means for the D&D community for the future. For me I would like to continue supporting the 3rd party creators of D&D content and you may see some more pieces pop back up but for now the over all Dungeons and Dragon's tab of the blog will remain hidden. 

Yesterday was a snake themed one shot with my Crew. They each were gifted a set of mystery pins from Doize Demos and I got a set to create the BBEG. My players got  warforged barbarian, shifter rogue, aasimar wizard and human artificer. We had a great time together with my one shot taking down the snake cult (as I had the pureblood yuan-ti, bard pins in my pack). It was a great excuse to take down the plethera of unpainted minis and throw on a first layer coat on some of them to help bring the map to life. The players did really well and it was such a relaxed game. The puzzle rooms they flew through with minimal damage to themselves and they even figgured out the big boss battle puzzles. Even though I built my bard a few levels higher than them and placed lava on the map as a hazard the four heros were very successful and everyone survived.  It lead to some more painting today which was very good for the mental health as it has been painting and naps. 

This evening the steam game stream will just be a "chatting" stream as I get working through the Shouting Crow Press article. 

1/16/23 We have made it to Monday. Happy Appreciate a Dragon Day! We’re celebrating in my class today and it made me smile that 2 children came in full dragon costumes (and another in a pikachu; I won’t judge). 

Yesterday was a fantastic session with my Crew and it was lovingly titled “Session 30: Trauma.” Two of my four players got to resolve some family trauma in the game and there was lots of sad music playing over the Bluetooth. It was a vibe. 

The castle here is under siege of plague and very slow recoveries. Your foxy dungeon mistress is working as fast as my paws and brain can handle. It is still my goal to have an article up this weekend. After some retail therapy Friday night I have picked up “One Ring” ttrpg and man is the art beautiful. I do want to share that review with you all in the near future as well. Stay healthy out there. Take some time to care for yourself if you’re fighting some dragons of your own. 

1/13/23 Happy Friday the 13th dear Dungeoneers. I hope you are hanging in there. It has been a week. 

Let’s talk OGL for a moment as that is the big news of the ttrpg world. Today about 3 hours ago from when I was currently typing this at work, an official update was made via the D&D Beyond blog. 

If you were to go to google (as I have) and typed in Wizards of the Coast you would see many articles such as The Guardian’s covering the revolt of fans leaving the game or Polygon’s covering Paizo’s new Open RPG not to mention the smaller news articles, the hundreds of angry people on the “Popular on Twitter” feed that you scroll past before even getting to the Wizards website. You will not find the OGL there, as if you scroll down to the “News from Wizards and beyond” you do not find any of that and neither on the “Latest Features & Announcements” on the Dungeons & Dragons specific page. The only place to find it is in D&D Beyond itself, Tweeted out by the official Wizards Twitter account and then re-tweeted by D&D Beyond.

The statement was made and it hurt my heart to read through it. First statement to break down “First, we wanted the ability to prevent the use of D&D content from being included in hateful and discriminatory products.” Well I would like to believe that but we all saw what distastefully happened with SpellJammer. But yes, nobody wants to see their work go towards hateful things. I can see where they’re coming from with their second & third parts, as we do not support NFTs and as a business I can see how Wizards/Hasbro are salty that Paizo used the OGL to create a popular and commercialized competitor game. 

Here comes the head shaking and the feelings of distrust. Them coming forward saying that the leaked document was a draft is insulting to the community. If it was a draft they wouldn’t have waited 8 days to say something. Stating that “it’s clear from the reaction that we rolled a 1” is an understatement. With so much open backlash from the community and then to say that they (WotC) also won proves that the company still sees D&D as a us vs. them situation.  “We won’t let you down.” is how they ended the article, but they already have. Last night both Bork and I got rid of our Dnd Beyond subscriptions. I have no intention of going to “One D&D” or purchasing any WoTC items due to this OGL catastrophe. I wish that perhaps in the future things will get better, but with only more leaks and no OGL 2.0 changes at the moment I will not be holding my breath. What I typed in as the reasoning for my subscription still stands: “The fact that the company has shown no remorse for the OGL change and is killing the community that has worked hard on building this game has made me wish to break all ties with Hasbro and WoTC. Unsubscribing for anti-consumer practices. Long live the small creators who do this with passion and love.”

1/11/23   We made it to hump day. The fox has been sick this week so things at the dungeon have been a bit slow as we’re trying to recover.  This means you can expect an article next weekend as the typing is just starting to happen. Fingers are now out of their braces but the ring finger is still a bit stiff so the left side of keyboard letters are challenging (but no longer impossible). The ttrpg community has been bonding together over all that has happened in the last week. Kobold Press came out with big news that they are creating their own system, there is an open community game system in the works and so much more happening as people band together. I have given my tables the choice of whether or not that they continue with 5e or not and I have one group left to have that discussion with. Most are wanting to finish the campaigns that we are on considering I use mostly homebrew or add my own fox flair to everything but all tables that I have talked with understand and share my feeling of #OpenDnd. 

Are you yourself looking to change things up? There have been many ttrpgs I have looked at and many more to come as we change things up here. 

D10’s: Call of Cthulhu

D6’s: Shadow Run, Avatar Legends, Weirdspace, Veil of the Void, The One Ring (d6 and d12), Alien the Roleplaying Game, Tales from the Loop, Vaesen, Fate Core

Variety of Dice: World of Wyldvir, Forbidden lands

D20 Systems:  Pathfinder

D4 (Caltrop Core): Trash Pals, Domesticat

I will continue to update the list as we go. Adventure Awaits!

1/8/2023 It is with great respect for our community and hope for the future that I have taken down a section of articles this morning. If the future brightens and the legal nightmare that the community is collectively bracing for doesn't come I will happily hit the republish button but for now I have redistributed some of the articles I could to Chronicles, community made content and the bookshelf. 

Yesterday I went through all of our social posts, vids  and accounts and changed over to GM Wolfsfox. I am still going through and editing the blog here. In all the rage I realized that I forgot to add the alt text to the images of this weekends posts. A big foxy face palm and a large I'm sorry on that one. Will go through and add them in as well. 

I'm off to go play with my Tuesday group in person today.  Our first in person game in 2 years so I'm excited to sit down at the table with this group of friends and relax through our love of gaming. Wishing you all peace and relaxation with your adventures this week!

1/7/23 Hope the first week of the New Year has treated you well. We got 14 inches of snow thanks to the big storms that blew through and now below freezing temps.  Wishing warm hearths and hobbit snacks to those dealign with the cold. The first article of the year is  Tips for Enjoying the Ren Fest Near You.  The advice is that which I have personally given to friends visiting us at the Renaissance Festival when we worked there. I love attending the Renaissance Festival and consider it a home away from home. I also have added The Dungeon Fox Chronicles Story to share how this got started and the path down the TTRPGs rabbit hole that I fell into. 

Now for the not so fun part of the post. I have had a really hard time trying to tactfully write this paragraph and express the emotions being felt by the community. I (Wolfsfox) am extremely saddened by the leaked Wizards of the Coast document regarding their Open Game License. If this is your first time hearing about it creator Crit Crab did a fabulous video here that you should watch. 

What does that mean specifically for the blog: well I'm not sure yet. At first I wanted to take down every D&D themed article ever written on this blog but I didn't think that to be fair the the ttrpg community members that I have had the greatest pleasure reviewing. What I do know: I will no longer work on any D&D official content for blog articles and have taken all of those articles off my work queue. Articles of those included the D&D Tarot, D&D Clue the board game, the D&D Art book collection, the newest starter box set and any reviews of the official books. I also am no longer planning on creating a 101 article on how to play D&D, and you can see all works in progress on that page have been deleted. On a personal note I do not plan on buying any more Hasbro or Wizards of the Coast content. I will also be having a discussion with my players soon about D&D Beyond as well to see if we will even continue using that program in our personal games. Dungeon Fox Chronicles will no longer be streaming D&D content. Could this change: yes. If the new OGL isn't as terrible as the leak is or if Wizards stays with the original OGL there may be the return of D&D content but I will remain cautiously optimistic with that, knowing that I may still need to take down the content in the future.  The Chronicles pages where I created one-shots, encounters and characters for 5e are going into limbo. I will work on attempting to make them more ttrpg generalized so they don't get flagged as D&D content. 

What we WILL Do: continue supporting the amazing ttrpg creators and stream their games & Call of Cthulhu instead. We here have many systems that we have grown to love and my tables will keep playing games. Table top role playing games are a huge part of my life and I will continue to share my passion for games. I am a solo blog writer here and am doing everything here for free in my spare time. I will continue working on bringing honest reviews from your Foxy GM and hope to help you all find great adventures of your own in ttrpg land.

Also on a side note, with the threat of the OGL getting changed all of our socials will need to be changed as well to GM Wolfsfox, your Foxy Dungeon Mistress. Changes to the blog are in progress, there are a lot of pages to search through and make changes on but overhauls and changes are coming. New year, new blog look and more adventures to come. 

1/4/2023 Driving to work in a blizzard and I see a mini van from Florida. Bet they regret this weather. Blasted Broadway as I made it to work and hopeful that not too many kids come to school today. MN friends stay safe out there if you have to leave your castle to slay some dragons. Everyone is at a disadvantage for perception checks. 

Last night's game went fairly well. Adjusting to the temporary left-handed life. Had to borrow dice from Bork/Sleepy and they rolled me 3 nat 20s in battle against my players. Thankfully the barbarian was raging so the damage was survivable.

This weekend  will have the Renaissance festival article uploaded for your reading pleasure.

1/2/2023 Here we go, 2023. To start off the year I have two sprained fingers. I guess Throw Throw Burrito is too much of a competition game for me (I did win). What a way to kick off this year one handed, but that won't stop me from bringing content to you all. This week we have a double feature of our Tues D&D group going through Tyranny of Dragons with online tomorrow and our first in person meeting in years this coming Sunday as we finish the first half of the campaign "Hoard of the Dragon Queen."

12/31/22 Happy New Year from us here at Dungeon Fox Chronicles. As we go into the New Year I hope to bring more streams, articles and adventures in 2023. Leveling up as we go through year 3 of DFC. May you have a great new year. We will be celebrating xmas with Bork's family today and then hopefully heading over to one of my gaming group's houses to ring in the new year. What ever plans you have to bring in 2023 may it bring you joy, and stay safe out there. 

Our final article of the year is a review of Weirdspace, a space ttrpg written by Paul Cat. This article has been long in the making and I am so happy to be able to share this adult sci-fi game with you all. The article will cover many of Paul's works including the Core Rule Book, Quick Start Guide, The Star Ship Ganso along with a sneak peek at the World Source book that will be coming to kickstarter to add even more explorable places in the universe.  

2023 will be bringing changes. All of the title pages have been given a little make over as I didn't like the generic pieces that Google Sites was giving me. Slowly but surely I'm making DFC to it's truer look. Also, I want to make the blog more accessible and I am starting to go through and make sure I add Alt Text to the images as well. This will take some time but I will make sure that all articles going forward in 2023 have this added to it and I am going through and making sure older articles have it as well. 

Gif that says "Happy New year: Wishing you happiness, kindness and fun adventures in the new year." There is a white d20 with the number 23 behind it to form the year 2023. Around the text is a moving gold circle. Background is dark purple diamonds over lighter purple. There is purple filigree around the diamonds.  The top of the square has gold bands some with stars hanging down. There is also a purple witch hat with a sword behind it leaning against a d20 and a small skull.
A square image that says "Thank you Dungeon Fox Community for a wonderful year. Here's to more adventures in 2023!" There is also a Twitch recap for watching saying that I watched 198 hours and my top 4 categories were Phasmophobia, D&D, Art and crafting.  There is also a square saying that I became a Twitch Affiliate this year with 52 broadcasts, with my top categories being streamed as Phasmophobia, D&D, Deep Rock Galactic and Fall Guys.


Twitch decided to give me an overview of what this year looked like. Thank you to everyone in our little Dungeon Fox community who helped make streams so much fun this past year. I wasn't expecting to become an affiliate and you all made it happen. Here's to more community STEAM and ttrpg game streams of the future. I love that my crew got to share Trash Pals with you and that we even got to do some Call of Cthulhu. This year we leveled up in streaming. In 2023 I hope to bring more blog and streaming both to a leveled up experience. Here's to future adventures with you all.


12/26/22 Today we had a fantastic time playing Call of Cthulhu: Dead Man Stomp. You will start to see some changes on the website as I get ready for a restart with the new year. I added some of our updated homebrew rules as well for some of the other cosmetic changes that happened today. What to expect for the new year: more articles for the big ttrpgs (Call of Cthulhu, 5e & Pathfinder 1e), some more reviews of independent & ttrpgs, updates on the DFC games in the chronicles, more LARP, livestreams and community games. As always Adventure Awaits. This will be the last post of 2022 as Weirdspace will be up next weekend and we will ring in the new year with lots of hope for the New Year. 

"Happy Holidays and have a Happy new year." Square image with that text with a boarder of holly leaves and a Santa sleigh being pulled by a dragon, griffon and unicorn. There is also a Yule candle next to the text and mistletoe.

12/25/22 Wishing all you dungoneers a great holiday season whether you celebrated earlier this month, today or your holiday is still yet to come. We hope the magic of the season is treating you well and that you have a happy new year as well.

It is my goal to have Weirdspace article up next weekend, and a lot more articles to come in 2023. 

Join us tomorrow on stream as we play Dead Man Stomp- from Call of Cthulhu 7e on our Twitch 2-5:30 pm central time. 

12/9/22 What is going on behind the scenes with Dungeon Fox Chronicles? 

- Gaming: Had Dnd Tuesday this week getting into the last chapter of Hoard of the Dragon Queen. They are infiltrating the sky castle and started in the top tower. When the wizard opened the hatch mid battle with ogres he found that the BBEG is in the floor below and not happy that his castle is under attack. They will get to deal with the angry cloud giant in 2 weeks). I will have a double header this weekend with a long day session of Pathfinder 1E on Saturday (they completed a labyrinth dungeon last time and get to see what’s at the end tomorrow) and 4 hours of Spell Jammer Dnd on Sunday (they escaped a doomed planet last session, took down a rival spell jammer ship and just made port elsewhere). 

- The Blog: I am continuing to work on Weirdspace ttrpg. I ended up scrapping what I had originally wrote and am trying a second attempt, re -reading everything to make it less technical and more of my usual style. I’m bound and determined to have it out by the end of the year as it has been on the docket for a year and a half. 

The blog is something that I still love and want to continue with. My brain has been struggling to keep up and has had the “Stuck” feeling because there are so many things I want to write about and I feel like I shouldn’t until Weird space is done. So the fox has been in a funk and I’m trying to get the groove back. I’m not gone, and the blog shall continue, I just need my brain to cooperate with me.

-LARP: We introduced the crew to LARPing on our last session and got them hooked. Be prepared for more LARP stuff in the new year. I’m excited after such a long hiatus to be able to get back into LARP and share that passion with y’all

- Work: Not going to lie, most of the articles that were written for the blog were written during my student’s nap time. Work has been hectic, crazy and no free time/prep. It has been one of the causations of the brain funk as I get home from a long day (have been in perpetual overtime as we are too short staffed) and I just want to go to bed. Like I said, the blog isn’t dead, but I’m trying to find ways to get more time to focus and work on things as my original time to work during my breaks at work has become non-existent. 


 We love that our last community game night was a success and we love that we got to play on the 2 year anniversary with friends such as Tasty and Lycan & Kitty. We will have another community game night the evening of Friday the 16th.


 Our next live streamed game will be a community game of Call of Cthulhu with some of our DFC friends (Arcane Dice Podcast, Dm Bork and Ravenace). We will be working out the stream time but we will live stream Dead Man Stomp on Monday December 26th.

Sorry this was a long post but thank you for hanging in there with us. Remember, Adventure Awaits dear dungeoneers. We will continue to find it. 

- Wolfsfox

11/20/22- Good morning lovely Dungeoneers. There is a longer update here so grab a snack and hang on. 

10/30/22 Happy Halloween weekend to you all. It's time to expect a little more from the Fox. The Weird Space article is almost done!  Will be working on the backlog of articles after that. 

8/28/22 *large long fox screams* It's been a hot minute. Hello Dungeoneers! I've missed you! Sorry that it's been so long. Even though I haven't posted on here for a bit I have still been thinking about you all. I hope you are doing well. There is a blog update today! 

Today I am presenting Eldritch: The Book of Madness to you! This is a 5e supplemental book to bring dark eldritch rules and entities to your 5th edition D&D game. It is currently a book going to the printers for a Kickstarter. I was lucky enough to get a preview direct from the author: Stewie Black. 

Life has been happening here and constitution will continue to be my dump stat. As the start of the school year is coming, I am hoping to get some more time to work on blog stuff again in the next few weeks as my old class leaves off to kindergarten and I get new kids. Weirdspace is coming!

7/16/22 Hello lovely Dungeoneers. There is not a finished article this week. I am almost done with both the Weird Space and Eldritch reviews but neither got quite finished this week. Social media may be a bit slow for me atm. Last night our extended family lost three family members in a auto accident and I am spending time with Bork and our cousins grieving over this tragic loss. Depending on how this coming week goes I should have both articles uploaded for you guys soon. 

7/3/22 Welcome back Dungeoneers!!!! It was a good hiatus and a lot of things were able to happen here behind the scenes. You may notice that there have been a few changes to the navigation and some things have been moved around. I hope that it makes things more organized and accessible for you all. The Community Characters to celebrate 1.3 k followers has also been uploaded for your use. 

This first of our updates will be of Goth Hoblin's Trash Pals! A fun Caltrop Core game that lets you live your best trash filled life as street animals. This was the ttrpg featured in July 2nd's stream with our Dungeon Fox Crew on Twitch. 

Under accessories you can read my review of Cantrip Candles. There has also been an update to some of the Dice Goblin information, where I talk about UV shifting dice as a dice type and have added information about my personal dice hoard. 

I have started yet another summer session of TTRPG with my classroom, creating an article “TTRPG with Kids” to highlight some of the things that I have learned in case  you too are considering introducing young ones to the massive world of TTRPGs. 

The much awaited review of Veil of the Void is also featured in this week’s uploads. Dive into the first Space themed TTRPG that we’ve reviewed.  It was a blast learning about this space themed ttrpg and hope you enjoy it as well. 

6/26/22 Our hiatus is almost at an end. Next Saturday come and join us on Twitch for our live stream of Goth Hobblin's Trash Pals Caltrop Core system. Sunday you will get to see the new Blog updates as well! Hope you join us for our next adventures. 

5/31/22 Happy end of May! There has been a bunch of things happening and I appreciate all of the patience and support. Thank you to everyone who came to the Stream on Sunday as we did A Night of Masks and Monsters. It was a lot of fun playing D&D with those who came. 

5/5/22 I'm gonna go on hiatus I said... here's an article update *fox face palm* I'm addicted to ttrpgs. We know that. There is an updated about D20 Tales (formally Spawn of Chaos) and NOW I'll be on digital upload hiatus. Off screen there has already been some writing progress and I say that it has been a lot more relaxing writing at my own pace instead of the DEADLINES COMING pace. Glad to see positive changes in the writing process, making it even more exciting for you all to see the changes coming in July!


Dearest Dungeoneers,

Real talk time. I know that May and June are super busy on the reality side of the dungeon. I want to bring you all quality when it comes to Dungeon Fox Chronicles and am currently working on rebranding the Twitch stream and figured that it’s time to do that for the blog as well. What does that mean?

 1. We will be going on an upload “hiatus” meaning that I will work on writing blog articles (WeirdSpace, Veil of the Void and a few others) that are larger projects that I cannot fully dedicate to when time restraints of a full time job are around. I want to spread the love to large and small creators/TTRPGS/podcasts/etc alike. All uploads will resume in July where you guys will see a lot of those “Coming Soon” pieces actually become full articles. 

2. Don’ t worry: Twitch streams and social media are still going to be going live and maybe even more active. I know that my Instagram/Facebook/Ko-fi have not been getting the same love as the Twitter account. Expect more posts on all the social media and for our Twitch streams to keep going on Sundays and in between. 

There will still be monthly steam and ttrpg community game nights and those can be found updated through my social media accounts as I will not be doing many or any public publication changes to the blog until July hits. 

3. You will get teasers of the articles that are being worked on and will see some progress on the #Work in Progress Wednesday posts. I will keep myself accountable and I do truly want to know what you all are up to as well. 

I will always be open with what I am working on (or not) and be transparent of what’s happening in the Dungeon. The me you see on screen whether on social media or on Twitch is very much the true me and if you ever have any questions/comments/concerns always feel free to reach out to me in a message. We hope that you stick around and that you enjoy the changes that are coming. Until we meet again, may your dice roll well and remember that adventure awaits!

Your Foxy Dungeon Mistress,


Happy May Day/ Beltane  

5/1/22  We're waiting for the weather to cooperate as it has been super cold and wet this spring so far. We've been enjoying listening the the rain here at the Dungeon but are ready for spring planting weather. In the land of TTRPGs however I have enjoyed listening to podcasts on the drives to work. Here we go with a review of Zach Katz's Fantasize Me as I have very much enjoyed hearing his character building for some beloved characters. I hope you will read the article and consider giving him a listen. There is also a small update to How not to DM podcast's article as I have been enjoying catching up on Season 2. 

The fox has taken becoming a Twitch Affiliate to heart and you will notice some more "professional" looking changes coming to the channel as I am improving some digital skills with Canva to make new panel art and some improvements on some of the digital pieces you see on our social medias. I'm also trying to be better about scheduling a once a month community ttrpg game as well!  I do not have enough time to run full campaigns on stream at the moment but I want to make sure that there are at least one shots for your viewing pleasures after so many people enjoyed Barnaby's Birthday in April. 

There are still some things in progress happening behind the scenes as well. I have fallen down the Caltrop Core hole and have absolutely fallen in love with GothHobblin's "Trash Pals" and I was planning on releasing an article this week about it BUT the Dungeon Crew will be doing a live stream of it as well. We are in the "making schedules work" phase and once I get a date for that stream I will post it on the socials and here. We are looking forward to being cute trash animals for you all. 

And now for a little confession time. When it comes to this blog I do feel bad that I am not able to give it more attention. Table top is my passion and I have enjoyed so much bringing this blog to life to you all. I wish that there was more time in the day that I could give to this and the Twitch stream. Personally I feel behind as I know that I am still working on Weirdspace and Veil of the Void reviews for you all and all of the other articles that have been "coming soon" on the website. I do appreciate all the patience you have given. When it comes to looking at a whole new system I like to make sure that I fully understand it and run a game or two before I write the review to make sure that I am giving it it's most fair depiction. Podcasts and live plays are "easier" because its something I can do within the 2 hours I'm in a car a day while commuting to and from work, which is why sometimes those types of articles pop up before the other "coming soon" pieces.  

4/17/22  Happy Egg day to those who celebrate it, and happy holidays to those who had a celebration this weekend. It's a relatively relaxing day over here in the Dungeon Fox Dungeon, though the weather isn't the best. There are some great pieces for you to check out this week. Who doesn't love Hobbits and Halflings? This week we are looking at Hearth and Hillside Home a random table document created by Into the Weird Blue Yonder. We also look at Caltrop Core by Titanomachy RPG. There were also a few more entries of mine to the Worldbuilder's Journal. 

4/14/22 So much has happened! Thank you to everyone who has helped support with making us a Twitch Affiliate! We're working on some more articles for this Sunday's uploads and just wanted to let you know that we greatly appreciate all the support. Wishing you all a good end to your weeks. 

4/3/22 Happy April everyone. The table top game that I got to solo through this week was "Art Exhibit" which is where you curate some art pieces based on some prompts. I enjoyed going through a variety of art museums to find the pieces that best fit the prompts for me. We also have two different brands of DM accessories that I have done a review on based on my own personal use of them. The first is some stuff from Gyld, the others are the Stat Trackers from Top Dog Game Club.

Tonight for our Sunday Shenanigan's stream Tim, Bork (sleepy) and I will be attempting to do an escape room game. Let's see if we're smart enough to escape the room or get stuck together in computer limbo. 

Last night was also the session zero for Baranaby's Birthday, a community based D&D 5e event that will be streamed next Saturday! Come join us as we roleplay together to create a party for a wronged brass dragon named Baranaby. 

Rainbow Birthday invitation to Barnaby the Brass Dragon's one shot with the date and time.
This is an advertisement for the Community Game Night Stream with Dungeon Fox Chronicles. It is a Deep Yellow square with the top right corner having a burnt orange splotch and the bottom left corner having a royal purple splotch. There is the date and time of when we will be playing and what we hope to play.   In this particular post it was for Fri March 25th for Jack Box Games.

3/20/22 I am so excited to share with you all Domesticats! This is a fun caltrop based game where you envision yourself as a cat. It is a solo game, in which I enjoyed journaling a few times playing different cats. If you are interested in a gm/dmless game I highly recommend looking at Domesticats. 

Also a quick reminder that there will not be a Sunday Shenanigan's stream this Sunday as I will be off playing a one shot as a player! Ennio will be running me through his newest mystery adventure which is a one DM to one player game. I am excited to be playing in this mystery game! Community Game Night will be Friday the 25th and our Sunday Stream will continue on that following Sunday (the 27th) where we'll be playing some Jack Box Games. 

3/6/22  Here is March like a mad beast my friends. Here we are starting off March with a massive rain, ice and snow storm so I hope wherever you are it is safe, warm and happy. Bork has taken to playing video games to keep me company as I sew. Thank you to everyone who joined us on the Community Game Night this past Monday. Today's article upload has to do with Call of Cthulhu: Character Building. I am a big fan of Call of Cthulhu and had a great time this week helping run small "boot camps" on how to build a character and the many way s that this can be achieved. Unfortunately my players backed out so there will NOT be a stream on March 19th of my Muppets Cthulhu game. It has been undecided by the fox whether or not it will be rescheduled for the future or just appear in an article. Expect a few more how to basic articles about Cthulhu including mechanics to come next as I have been bitten by a cosmic horror bug that only COC can fill. 

At work we are approaching the "In Your Imagination" unit which is when I traditionally introduce TTRPGs to my class during nap times. The first that we will be completing together will be Midlife Dice's "Domesticat" game. I have played the first round of this game and I absolutely love it. Keep your eyes open for our next upload date, as there will be more information on Domesticat and other ttrpg pieces. There are so many "larger" ttrpgs that I am looking at as well and will bring you reviews of including Weirdspace, Brancalonia and Veil of the Void but as they are full ttrpgs I want to make sure that I give them full attention before releasing their articles. 

This is an advertisement for the Community Game Night Stream with Dungeon Fox Chronicles. It is a Deep Yellow square with the top right corner having a burnt orange splotch and the bottom left corner having a royal purple splotch. There is the date and time of when we will be playing and what we hope to play.   In this particular post it was for Goose Goose Duck on Feb 28th 2022

2/27/22 Wishing all you dungeoneers a happy final Sunday of February. Though there is no new articles to post for this week I wanted to stop in and invite you all to tomorrow night's Community Game Evening. The game tomorrow will be Goose Goose Duck, which is a free to play version similar to "Among Us" where we play as bird versions of task masters and hidden ducks. We hope that you will come join us in chat or even join in on the fun and become a goose/duck yourself. 

This image holds the Liar's Dice box which is a reddish brown d6  hinged box. The contents are spread across a piece of silk with blue, purple and green colorations. There are 4 matching reddish brown cups with black velvet insides sitting there and the d6's of the game spread out infront of the dice cups. The instruction manual is siting in front of the box to display the name of the game.

2/20/22 - 2/24/22 Where oh where has the month of February gone? Not enough time to get everything done on the check list but it has been fun doing different community pieces. I enjoyed the second play through of Murder at the Three Swords Inn with two Twitter pals. It was fantastic to be in the players seat with the Tasty Doom one shot game being able to play beside some of my players. If you missed it you can find the VOD here on Twitch for 14 days or if you would rather Youtube. You can read more about it here under the Dungeon Chronicles section.

There is also a new entry talking about Liar's Dice, a game that I added into my Saltmarsh Game as a fun addition of a tavern game and I think you all may like as well. 

2/6/22 Hello Dungeoneers! There has been so much happening in the background and I am so excited to finally start sharing some things with all of you. Dungeon Fox Chronicles and Friends are collabing with Tasty Doom Podcast! Kyle is graciously hosting me (Wolfsfox), Dm Bork, Lauren of L.Mattson Art and Major A Monkey for a level 20 one shot! Mark you calendars for 2/19/22 at 2 pm central as Tasty Doom runs us through an event you won't want to miss. This event will be hosted on the Tasty Doom Twitch channel and live streamed. All character art is created by our dear artist friend Lauren! This will be the first time that Dm Bork and I will be playing together at the same table without one of us being the DM for the other.  Stay tune as we release character bios and art leading up to the event. 

This week's article I am happy to talk to you about "Murder at the Three Swords Inn" created by our friend Ennio on Twitter. It was an absolute pleasure to run this  game and share this mystery game with you all. If you like mystery games and role play I recommend checking out this piece. 

1/23/22  It's Sunday again Dungeoneers! In our article today I am excited to introduce you to Curious Goblin. Curious Goblin is a shop based out of Portugal. Curious Goblin is a studio/shop that emphasizes building your own creativity. I have had a lot of fun with one of their puzzles and their Goblin Postcard. There is also a small update on the The Worldbuilder's Journal with another entry. I have also added an update to Skald of Shenanigans for your viewing pleasure. 

This week I got to run the fun adventure "Murder at the Three Swords Inn" by our TTRPG family member Ennio. I did not get a chance to finish the full article this week, but the VOD of our play through is available on our Youtube or Twitch channel. I very much enjoyed myself running this murder mystery game for a table of 4 great players. The article for this should be up this coming week or on our 2/6 upload date. 

Tonight I get to be apart of the Creator Clash on Spawn of Chaos's Twitch Stream. Come and join us as we play with level one characters in a battle arena style game. Next week we will be back on our channel with our Sunday Shenanigans. 

Lots of exciting things happening behind the scenes as I am going through an interview for a  career change. The crafting projects are also starting to come to life, currently working on Bork and my Nightmare Before Christmas masquerade outfits. 

A white backround with dark purple and orange sprinkles which features "Week Schedule" and the fox logo. This week shows the purpel square for DFC & Friends play through ad for Murder at the Three Swords Inn, the yellow ad for the community game night on the 21st of Jan and the black and grey paint brushed backgrounded ad for Creator Clash from Spawn of Chaos.

1/14/22 I am a spoiled fox. My dear DM Bork upgraded my computer case so I have my first ever LED lit up case (which of course is sporting Dungeon Fox Purple).  Just checking in with all you lovely folks. This is our weekend off for articles, and the two of us have some relaxation to catch up on. I'm very excited for all of the great things coming up this next week. 

On Thursday we will playing through Murder at Three Swords Inn by Endhy Pino with some lovely people on our discord server. I am excited to play through it and review this fun game. If you would like to get your own you can purchase it here.  

Friday we are doing another community game night. Come and join us on our twitch channel to play Jack Box games and Among Us.  Then on Sunday watch the Spawn of Chaos Twitch for some Creator Clash battling. Next Sunday will also be our next blog updates with some articles that I am excited to share with you all. 

This advertisement is on a black chalkboard like background. In Yellow and orange letters says "seeking creators, creator clash. A level 1 battle royale!" It is an ad run by Spawn of Chaos for their twitch channel.

1/9/22 Hope the first weeks of the New Year have gone well for you. 

 First off, some January news! Friday January 21st will be another Community Video Game Stream that will be open for people to join in on. We will play Jack Box Games and/or Among Us starting at 8 pm Central. I will be putting up a promotional post about how to get in on the fun and I hope that you will join us. 

On Sunday the 16th I will be at our Viking Reenactment meeting and will not be able to make our Sunday stream, if we are able to do something earlier/later I will let you know closer to the date. 

On Sunday January 23rd, you can see me with other amazing Community Creators on the Creator Clash stream hosted by Spawn of Chaos. I'm so very excited to partner with them and play with some amazing community members. If you are also a Community Creator and would like to be a part of one of their streams, check out their Twitter and/or discord for more information. This means that I will NOT be on our channel streaming but I hope you will come and watch the chaos on Spawn of Chaos's Twitch channel instead. 

Today you all get to peek at what has been my passion project for the last few weeks. Yesterday we play tested through my Muppet Mystery in New Orleans game. I love Call of Cthulhu and it was so great being back behind the Keeper screen while we ran through my first ever Call of Cthulhu creation. This was a milestone piece for me and I'm glad that I can finally show you a bit of what has been happening. The next step with it will be going over the 4.5 hrs of audacity recordings and notes to polish up a few things before running a second game for the public. 

1/5/22 It's been three days since I've checked in with you last, and there has been lots of productivity behind the scenes and I'm ready to make 2022 a great year for all of us Dungeoneers.  Hope you're staying warm on this Winter week. This week has this fox feeling like an inhabitant of Ten Towns, but we're staying bundled up and playing. Tuesday was our Tues D&D game and was the first gaming of the year. We were down one player due to sickness but it was great to come out of the Dec hiatus and back into some caravan mayhem. May your dice roll well at your own tables. I'm looking forward to sharing more goodies with you on Sunday. 

1/2/22 Happy New Year dear Dungeoneers. It has been a crazy end of 2021 and I am glad that it is done. I am hopeful for 2022 so let's see what happens. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things here as real life has been...well we're not going to dwell in the past. Here we are in a new year and one of my resolutions is trying to be better at balancing this whole blog/ TTRPG games/ work and life thing that I know I haven't balanced the greatest. For all of you who have been a part of this crazy train the last year, thank you for being part of the experience. If you are new, welcome!  

Social media update: Yes I still have the Instagram and Facebook but it seems that Twitter has become the social media spot that fits best for me and DFC. Gonna try and be better for the other two social accounts but I will admit if you are trying to connect via social media: Twitter will have the  fastest response.

Gaming stuff: I am pulling back on the amount of games I personally run in hopes to give me a better balance and to help prevent DM burnout. I know that the chronicles page is a bit of a mess on here and I plan on doing some cleaning up to it. 

Now onto the first article of the year!!!!! I have fallen in love with listening to TTRPG podcasts on my commute to work. If you haven't heard of How Not to Dm Podcast, then I highly recommend reading our review article! Derrick has created a fantastic podcast that has a great variety of DM's on for interviews. I am so very excited for his second season to be releasing on January 12th. Check out the article and get the link to where to find How Not To DM Podcast to start listening for yourself today!

A bright blue background with red and white snow flakes dancing around the edges. It says Wishing you happy holidays. No blog posts for December. We'll be back in the New Year.

12/12/21 Hoping you all are having a good Holiday season so far. As the holiday season has me bogged down with fewer free days I'm making the call of no scheduled Dec blog posts. If I get time, I will post here and on the front page what articles are new, but expect lots of great things coming in 2022! We will still have Sunday Shenanigans game streaming and there will be some updated articles that get posted. 

Or first updated article is for Spawn of Chaos! I have so very much enjoyed seeing their first season with Heralds of  Wayinar and now eagerly await their second show. Looking for some great TTRPG to listen to? They have both of the fox approved thumbs up. 

A purple to red color change for a background and a gold border goes around this square ad for the Sunday Shenanigan's Live Stream.  In the middle is purple square with neon images of gaming pieces of gaming controllers and hand held gaming devices such as the Gameboy and switch. There is also a orange child in the middle with matching neon text that says video game and a fox sitting under it wearing a blue head computer head set and a blue controller.

12/5/21   I am here to let you know that our D&D live stream game is going offline. We feel that we are a better vibe D&D group offline where there is just us hanging out vs. on screen. We love the support you all were giving us but we are doing what is best for our party.

If you still want to hang out with us, Sunday Shenanigans Twitch stream is going live weekly! We will now be doing video games with our partners at Team Effort Games and our dear Dm Bork. Every Sunday join us for fun vibes before we have to return to work. Every Sunday at 7pm Central come hang out with us on Twitch. Adventure Awaits!

Happy Year 1

11/27/21 & 11/28/21  We are celebrating one year! I got too excited to wait to post everything on Sunday hence the double dates here.  To those of you who have been a Dungeon Fox Chronicles Dungeoneer from the beginning, thank you! For our new friends joining us: welcome to the dungeon; we're so glad that you are here. 

Today we are celebrating the first year of the blog! I can't believe that it's been one year and I'm glad to have shared this experience with you all.

Posted for your viewing pleasure we have The ABC's and 123's of D&D a book review. I also have an article on Session Zero and One Shots. Under the Community TTRPG section I am very happy to present The Siphoner class created by Matther Arter. 

This square is split into 2 halves. The top half is a white background with water color art of a sitting red fox in a yellow and orange party hat next to a chocolate birthday cake and a hedgehog wearing a matching party hat holding a orangish yellow balloon. There are orange water color paint splotches in the background and 2 bluish grey branches with leaves to frame the two sides of this half. The bottom half of the square is a bright purple with the text "Dungeon Fox Chronicles is turning one! Thank you for being a part of our community. There is the Dungeon Fox Chronicles logo D to replace the D on the word Dungeon and a fox tail is coming off the letter O on fox. There is also an orange d20 with white flowers at the bottom of the  die. There is also 2 black fox paw prints on the bottom left corner.
On a dark blue sky background with white stars coming through this square is the advertisement for a game we ran. It says "Dungeon Fox chronicles is Celebrating it's 1 year anniversary in orange text. In white letters it says "It's time to celebrate" with the dates time and link information for the stream.

11/26/21 We are so excited that we are coming up to our one year anniversary of  creation of Dungeon Fox Chronicles.  Tomorrow night in celebration we are playing a community game of Among Us starting at 7pm central on our Twitch channel. We will have some of our amazing ttrpg friends, DFC supporters and some of our own (me [Wolfsfox], Dm Bork and Tim from Sunday Shenanigans) join us on stream for some good fun. We hope you can join in on some great fun with us! 

This crazy train was started on 11/27/20 with the first bare bones look of the site live to the public on 11/29/20. Our first article ever was published on 12/01/20 and was on Dungeon Mayhem. Since then we've have grown from a blog site that was run by me and only ever seen by me to a site that has seen 221 users from 25 different countries. We joined twitter and are over 1.1 thousand Dungeoneers strong. Twitter is a strange but lovely beast where we have met so many amazing people in the ttrpg community. We started a Twitch live stream, which was something I never thought I would feel comfortable doing, and have learned a lot. 

I have learned  a lot this crazy last year and I have grown so much as a DM and have loved writing for you all. This has been a great start to Dungeon Fox Chronicles and I know that there is so much more I want to write and bring to the table for you all. There are many things that I am proud of and many things I wish I would have done differently but this community has been great and so supportive. Thank you for being here and being a part of the experience. 

11/21/21 Happy Sunday Dungeoneers. Today we come back to Twitch for Session 7 of our Sunday Shenanigans live stream at 7pm central. Please excuse us as things are a little different with one of our players coming in remotely as holiday travels have started to happen. Hope you are able to join in on our fun and see what happens next as the players leave the ranch onto the next leg of their adventure.

We are one week away from our Anniversary! I can't believe that it has already been a year. Thank you for being with us for all the success and struggles that we have experienced through the last year. It has been wonderful to share this blog with you all and the love that I have felt from the TTRPG community has been amazing. We will be streaming Among Us next Saturday from 7-9 pm central time. We will have the lobby filled with some of my players, DFC friends and possibly you! We will have the lobby open to those of you who support us (up to the max  that is 15 for the server) so if there is slots open feel free to join in on the activities. 

Last week was conferences at work so we celebrated our 1.1k twitter success with an Ask me Anything post. Now this week I hope to polish up some articles to give you more great content on our anniversary weekend. 

11/14/21 Well, the plague has hit our house. Dm Bork is doing wellish all things considering and your Dungeon Fox is sleeping a lot and trying to recoup. We won't be going to the viking photo shoot today but it also means that there is no blog articles for you all as we were not expecting such a drastic schedule change. 

What to look forward to? 

Until next time I hope you are all staying safe and healthy. Remember, Adventure Awaits!

11/7/21 Hello dearest Dungeoneers! Today I am happy to introduce you to Skald of Shenanigans with the article looking at their Creepy and Crafty Collections. These two documents are geared towards Dungeon Masters with a variety of goodies to add to your DM arsenal.  I also reviewed a really neat program called Fateweaver  that you might enjoy if you need some extra help keeping your plots and relationships organized for your TTRPG settings. It is program that can be utilized by players and DM's alike.

Tonight we are streaming again with Episode 6 of Sunday Shenanigans. I'm excited to announce that before our game, part of our intro stream time is now dedicated to Community Shout Outs/Boosts. I am happy to be a part of the TTRPG community and value that there are such great members. Come early to the stream to make sure that you are seeing what other great makers there are and if you feel generous give them a like and follow as well. 

Talking about an amazing community, we have made it to the 1,000 follower mark on our Twitter account. I am so very grateful to every one who has been a part of the Dungeon Fox Chronicles community and become avid dungoneers with us. Each like, retweet, follow, share helps this little blog grow into something more than I ever thought or dreamed it would become. To celebrate, Dm Bork and I toasted y'all on Twitter and hope that you each raise your own glass as this celebration is about you as much as it is about us. As a community thank you we are having a give away on our Twitter account! Please enter to win a lovely Celtic Knot work Goblet so you can toast all your successes created by Bubbas Jones Brew, there is a fox colored (red, yellow and orange) dice set that I too had to buy a matching dice set of because they're so pretty and there is one other gift that has not been created yet. As you all have made this a magical experience for me, DM Bork is going to make a wand for our lucky winners off of his wood lathe. There are only 8 wands in existence of his currently and only 2 of them belong to others, so it will be a truly one of a kind piece for our lucky winner. Once the wand has been started I will post pictures and possibly video of it being made. 

To enter the giveaway please like the pinned post, retweet, and share your most fond or epic table top moment. Tags are always appreciated. You must be following Dm Wolfsfox's Twitter account to qualify. This giveaway will last a tenday, with our winner being announced Wednesday Nov 17th at 8pm Central Time. Make sure to follow all the parts to enter and I wish you all the best of luck. 

A quick reminder that we will be taking next weekend off from blog uploading. Dm Bork and I are a part of a historical Viking reenactment group and I am trying my best to hand stich all of our garb together for a photo shoot next Sunday. I will be back with more blog posts (and possibly a picture or two from the shoot on the 28th of November. Session 7 of Sunday Shenanigans will be live on Twitch the week before that on the 21st. We hope to see you tonight at 7 pm central for Episode 6 on our Twitch channel. 

On a sunburst background there is the information in black text to explain the giveaway details along with an image of the green goblet and dice set that was given away.
This photo was taken on a fall day. There is a line of trees behind Wolfsfox and Bork with the leaves gone from the branches. A garden bed with lots of fallen leaves are behind the two people in the forefront. The two individuals are Dm Bork on the left and Dm Wolfsfox on the right. Dm Bork has slightly longer than shoulder length brown hair. He is wearing a white button up shirt with a black vest over it. He has round glasses and a short beard. He is holding a wood look ceramic mug with a black d20 on the side. Wolfsfox has auburn hair that goes down to her hips. She is wearing a black dress with a corset. The middle red panel of the corset has an orange fox on it. She has a black lace gothic necklace with red stones attached. She has oval glasses and is holding a red leather mug that has a wolf and a fox tooled onto it.
Square image. Yellow circle in the middle with green and white tips for the background colors. This image holds a note from Dm Wolfsfox explaining that the blog articles would be posted the following week.

11/3/21 Thank you for your patience as life last week was not what I was expecting it to be and took away my expected ttrpg writing time. I am working on getting those articles polished and up for this Sunday to upload. I am also working on making sure that the Sunday Shenanigan's page is up to snuff for those in need of a recap before this Sunday's stream. 

What is going on that there is no update on the 14th? Well some of you know that Bork and I are part of a Viking reenactment group and on the 14th we'll be back on some Icelandic horses for our "winter" photo shoot. That means I am trying to finish hand sewing some pieces for us to wear (because MN is cold and wool is important against the wind). Hand stitching takes me a while to do, meaning that I can do listening things (lots of podcasts and live play games) but I can't do the note taking or writing that I usually do when I prep for articles. Knowing that my fingers need to be sewing rather than typing/writing I will be back with more articles the 28th where they can be of good quality and not rushed out. 

Also, our Twitter is almost at 1,000 followers!!!! Once we hit that magic number I have an exciting give away to thank all of you who have come along with us on this journey. 

10/17/21 Happy Sunday y'all. This week was a warm welcome back to Tyranny of Dragons Tuesday as my party has come back together after a month of one shots due to player absences. We are now back on track and made it to Baldur's Gate. We also had a FANTASTIC Saltmarsh Saturday game yesterday. Nothing like great roleplay and fantastic dragon beats to make 4 hours fly by. There is never enough time for Saltmarsh. Tonight I am D&D bootcamping some players through a Witchlight based one shot and I am also in the works of making a Phasmophobia 5e game for Team Effort Games, DM Bork and I as we usually Scooby Doo crew through the STEAM game and I want more (preferably me behind the DM screen in charge and not cowering in a closet)!

I have had such a great time starting to learn more about the great #TTRPG community that we have on Twitter. I am trying to expand my views and do more reviews of independent creators (not big publishing names) in addition to my usual articles. The first article for this weekend's update is Campfire by Abyssal Brews. I was lucky enough to get my paws on a copy of Campfire as it has been in my Twitter feed and in my wish list for a while and I happened to win a copy that I could review for you all. The second article is my review on the Heroes' Feast cook book.  I love to share cooking with DM Bork and this book has been a staple of good dishes in our kitchen. 

Looking ahead, I am looking foward to writing more articles for you all, and have a few more community pieces that are in the works to share with you all. I know that holiday season is approaching and life gets a little crazy for everyone, including Dm Bork and I. It is my hope that I will still be able to get at least 1-2 articles out to you all bi-weekly but I will also be honest when I say I do not want to hit the publish button on articles until I feel like they are ready. Looking at November Bork and I have another Vikings photo shoot that we need to prep for, meaning it is back to hand stitching historically accurate pieces that usually end up killing my fingers with the hours of love that goes into making them. Things may seem to slow down with social media postings but don't worry, we're still here and we will respond and engage as much as we can. There may be more podcast/listening pieces to come as I will be doing a lot of podcast binging with the hours of sewing that will be happing behind the scenes here in The Den. 

I also noticed that we are at 890 followers on Twitter (didn't we just hit 800 XD). You all blow me away with your support and I greatly appreciate each one of you. Thank you and keep your eyes open as I figure out what we will be doing for a 900 follower thank you post. As always I hope your dice roll well and you have a great adventure until we meet again.


10/9/21 Some more responses have been added to the Ask A Fox section.

10/8/21 Hello dear Dungeon Dwellers and hope you are all had a great end to your week. I am working on some things for net week's upload and am excited to be adding more to the TTRPG community section. We hit the 800 follower mark on Twitter, so this past week I had been posting daily A-Z things about your truly and DFC. You can find that now archived in the blog now under The ABC's of Dungeon Fox Chronicles

10/2/21 Ooooh it's officially Spooky season now. This week I had the honor and pleasure of being on Midlife Dice's Twitch Channel for their Stream: It's About DM Time. Joel is a fantastic individual in the ttrpg community, if you haven't check out his twitter, twitch and you will also be able to find our video on his Youtube once it is uploaded. The It's About DM Time! round tables have a great panel of Dm's who talk about and share their wisdom on certain topics. The group I was a part of on Thursday talked about Ending Campaigns. 

There has been a little update to the layout and look of DFC. Under the Other TTRPG tabs you will now find that I am expanding. When I first started this blog a little under a year ago, I only was familiar with the big publishers versions of TTRPG (D&D, Pathfinder, Star Finder, Call of Cthulhu, etc.).  Since starting Dungeon Fox Chronicles I have been able to meet so many amazing people in the TTRPG community, expand my learning through listening to ttrpg podcasts and learn that there are so many different ttrpgs are out there to explore. The World of Wyldrvir was the first to expand my horizon and there will be many more to come.  Knowing that I have redesigned the Other TTRPGS page to include pieces from the community, listening pleasures and other amazing works of the TTRPG Community members. I look forward to adding more articles with things that were made by the TTRPG as I have seen so many amazing apps, art, works and full systems created by the massive TTRPG Family. 

The article for this week goes under this new tab as I have been having the listening pleasure of going through Spawn of Chaos. This is a D&D group in a completely homebrew world and is the first podcast to reach out to me for a review. I am excited and happy to present to you all an honest review and hope you enjoy reading. 

9/26/21 It is a Twitch stream night! I am excited to come back online as DM for Sunday Shenanigans. If you need to catch up on last episodes or want to read the quick summaries you can find more information on the Sunday Shenanigans page here

As I felt bad that my health has been impeding my love for ttrpg and the ability to social media with y'all I have some bonus articles for posting today. First we have the Avatar Series added the the Bookshelf as I am doing research in anticipation for the upcoming Avatar Legends RPG. 

I also have posted the review for the AdapTableTop that I backed on Kickstarter and posted pictures of previously. 

9/19/2021  It feels like forever ago since I've posted so update time! I'm working through week 3 of my RSV problem. Lungs, throat and voice are still healing so thank you for your patience as we try to get back to normal and do what we can with streaming. As I am still trying to catch up on lots of lost sleep and most days I am tired the only updated posting for today is the completion of all of the #RPGaDay2021 postings.  Slowly I am getting better-ish and it is my hope to bring more to you all in our next blog publishing date. There are a lot of things in progress, including some more entries for the bookshelf and some new pieces to highlight some of the #ttrpgcommunity that needs some love and I want to share with you. I also will be having a review section for live/actual play shows coming with me first looking at The Heralds of Wayinar from the Spawn of Chaos group. 

9/6/2021 I have been blown away by all the love and support as we made it yesterday to 500 followers on Twitter. I am so humbled and excited to have made this milestone. I love all of you in the #ttrpgfamily and #ttrpgsolidarity community. Time for a thank you give away! I asked to hear what people's favorite thing about TTRPGs are and I loved some of the responses we got. From designing your own magical world to telling and hearing stories thank you to everyone who participated and shared a conversation with me. Congratulations to Relic of the Past Podcast for winning. 

9/5/2021 Oh boy its September, meaning we are getting into Fall and the Spooky season (my favorite). Happy first September Sunday, and for those in a country that celebrates it, I hope you are having a relaxing Labor Day weekend.

A bit of upkeeping stuff to start off with. I added the Deck of Stories: Jungle review into the Table Top Accessories tab. I posted about it on Instagram a while back but it now has been updated and added here.  Also, as I am still recovering from the Lungs and DM Bork is getting over his section of this health road bump we are canceling tonight's stream. Do not fret, as the team will be back together later this month to take back up the bi-weekly mantle of bringing D&D live to your screens. We want to make sure that we are bringing the best we can to the table when it comes to our Sunday Shenanigans. 

I have added the Sunday Shenanigans to the Dungeon Fox Chronicles and you can now read updates, find the videos to our previous streams and find the more in depth credits to all of the goodies that you have seen or heard on our live play. We are all looking forward to when the adventure returns on September 26th, when all of us are healthy and able to give it our all. 

8/31/21 Today is the end of August and the end of #RPGaDay2021. I may have not kept up on Twitter as much as I should have as my fox brain doesn't keep up with schedules super well but I am working on updating and filling in the rest of the entries for this great writing exercise. 

8/30/21 The lungs are still making progress but my voice and cough still can't do my proper DM duties so this week will be strange as my evening games this week have been canceled as I try to do some self-care and more healing. 

Tonight there is an update under the Dungeon Chronicles pages starting with The Lost Mine of Phandelver being updated with what has happened our last two sessions. I am working on getting the other Dungeon Chronicles pages up to date as well for your reading pleasure. 

8/28/21 The lungs are slowly improving. It's only day two of meds and I have seen a bit of an improvement, but I'm still a ways from being fine again. The good news is the plague test came back negative so that was a silver lining.  

It may be almost midnight here but it's not going to stop me from uploading another bonus blog upload tonight as I have finished the review of the Epic Encounters Lair of the Red Dragon. This was the piece that our Ko-fi donations funded for our reviewing. I am ever so thankful for the opportunity to get this box and provide a review for you all. 

8/27/21 Today has been a very rough day, my lungs decided that they wanted to quit working on me properly so after a doctor visit I  got some steroids in me so it's hard to breath but doesn't hurt to breathe. As I am waiting on some test results I get to sit here in bed and get some blog writing time as I recover. I am to stubborn of  a person to just lay in bed and do nothing. DM Bork has been an amazing counter part taking care of me as we monitor my lungs and a fever. 

Introducing a new part of the blog: The Bookshelf where you can find some books that may be TTRPG inspired or in the realms of fantasy. Some of these are DM manuals while some are just for fun books that I read in my “free time.” These will be books that do not necessarily fit into one TTRPG category as well. There are two articles currently up: Düngeonmeister: A Drink Master's Guide and Realms

8/22/21 Happy blog update Sunday. The first matter of business: I got things sorted out with PayPal and Ko-fi and I am very excited to say that we made our first goal! Thank you to Mchamm3r, Botticelli, Ryan, Prophet of Stars and Syrin380Auto for making our first goal happen. I am very excited that I can go get the Epic Encounters: Lair of The Red Dragon box and review it all for you.  It was a blast last Sunday streaming for you all on Twitch. Having audience participation was quite fun. I enjoyed putting in the Gazer into our last encounter of the evening thanks to Botticelli's generous donation. Our players had lots of advantage (and disadvantage) and it made for fun for me as a DM and for our players.  Donations stack and will still carry over. Toka and the DM still have one more advantage roll, and one of my creatures still has a natural 20 and advantage to come into play next game. I look forward to seeing how those come into play next Sunday. I was so surprised, humbled and extremely thankful to everyone who came (40 unique viewers) and for all of the generous donations that were given towards our ttrpg goals. Our next Ko-fi goal is to raise funds to get Gloomhaven to review and possibly stream a Gloomhaven game from our table.  

The next bit of business is this was the week for getting Kickstarter projects to show up!  The first to show up was our Critical Role: The Legends of Vox Machina backer box. I my adorable new Trinket plushie with the bows. It looks so good next to the Trinket Pop Vinyl as well. All of our Critical Role Pop children came out for the grand unboxing. The bag was SO GOOD. The quality exceeded all of our expectations and it had real leather and the magnet clasps were good. It is now officially DM Bork's Dm bag.  I'm excited to have the new dice to add to my collection with its pouch. The pins were good as well, but what took our breath away were the three letter opener daggers. This was the first Kickstarter that I had ever personally backed and I am so happy to have added some unique pieces to my Critical Role collection. 

I also got the PDF copies of the documents from the Call of Cthulhu Classics Kickstarter that finished earlier this month. I backed this Kickstarter in order to help celebrate the 40th anniversary of this fantastic rpg. It is one of my favorite ttrpgs and I'm excited for the 2" and 1" physical boxes that will be coming. Going through the pdf collection has been such a great blast to the past as it is a collection of true Chaosium classic Call of Cthulu products from the 1980's.  Seeing some of the product ads in the magazine made my heart so happy. The products are 2nd edition Call of Cthulhu but it should be quite an easy conversion into 7th edition (the current edition) or an easy enough change at the table to run 2nd Edition.  There have already been plenty of updates and communication from Chaosium, including the fact that there were some editing errors that they are working on fixing and going to make sure are fixed before a printed copy come.

The other long awaited Kickstarter is my AdapTableTop. I got 12 panels to cover our need of a large gaming table and a player kit. This week has been a little crazy and I look forward to opening up the boxes fully and writing a review. I have seen some things that will need improvements but the company has already worked on improvements with promises on sending out new fixes when their new Kickstarter is done. From the brief moments of me opening the boxes and giving things a look over I am quite pleased. This will make it easier for when I do ttrpgs with 6+ players at the table and it also makes it easier on me to take away my biggest pet peeve of people putting drinks and snacks on my maps. Look for the full article to come with the next blog article if not before. 

On the topic of Kickstarters I present to you an article about Avatar Legends an RPG. I had a good time learning about this up coming TTRPG by Magpie games. I went through the Quickstart guide and I enjoyed learning about the new game. I have backed the Kickstarter and  a link to the Kickstarter in the article if you want to check it out as well.  The #RPGaDay2021 article has also been updated with at least one of the prompts for each day. It is my goal to have a response to all 4 of the daily prompts by the time this is over at the end of the month. 

8/11/21 Happy happy hump day to everyone. It's been a strange week but I've been happily productive so that means... SURPRISE ARTICLE RELASE.  I'm so happy to release to you all a review about The World of Wyldrvir. If you are looking at trying out new TTRPGs give the article a read and check out their work! Links to World of Wyldrvir documents are in the article. I hope you enjoy. 

Also a reminder that this Sunday is our first official game stream on Twitch. Make sure you follow the Twitch channel to make sure you get notifications of  when we go live. 

8/8/21 It's finally Sunday again. This week feels like it was a whole month with the amount of stress and craziness. This week we had to cancel both games so I am a little ttrpg withdrawn for a moment as even my writing time this week was also compromised. 

The first article this week is for #RPGaDay2021. You can find my jots and thoughts to the different prompts, some that are blog only and some that could be found on our twitter page.  There was also a new entry called "Masquerade at Castleroy Manor" added to the Worldbuilder's Journal. 

I also have written a review on the Shadowrun Sixth World Beginner Box. I enjoyed learning about this cyberpunk ttrpg and look forward to when DM Bork can run it for us. 

7/31/21 Hope everyone had a good week. This is our off week but a lot of fun painting took place. This coming week will have our usual Tuesday and Thursday evening crew for D&D. May all your dice roll at least one Natural Twenty this week, or make a successful push in Call of Cthulhu. There was an update to the WizKid Paint Party article as yesterday I finished the Manticore paint party and DM Bork and I did a date day doing the Red Slaads together. 

7/25/21 Happy Sunday to you all. Hope you guys are having good dice rolls and things go well. Under The Worldbuilder's Journal there is a new entry with Character Death Alternatives. I also talk about the WizKid Paint Party nights. Since I've been enjoying so much painting time lately there is also a brief article on Dry Brushing.  

TTRPG updates: I'm so excited for the session zero tonight to get ready to stream some D&D to  you all on Twitch. We will be running the Essentials Kit bi weekly Sunday evenings for you all starting August 15th. 

The dear people behind the TTRPG World of Wyldrvir reached out and have sent me their great game to look over and review. I'm excited to write and explore their world. It is my hope to bring you an article about them within the next 2 blog updates. I also am writing about the Shadowrun Sixth World Beginner Box and have continued to fill my time with some painting zen. As always, please feel free to follow our social media for more updates and looks into our ttrpg life. Twitter seems to be the one that gets a daily update. 

7/19/21  Hello lovely ones. This is my ttrpg week with both my Tuesday and Thursday groups back in full swing, even with two people remoting in. I also have the starter box  set group this Saturday and this Sunday is the session zero for my bi-weekly group that will be streamed on Twitch. I'm so excited to keep doing more ttrpg. This Sunday is also a blog update so look forward to some sneak peeks for this weeks updates.

7/12/21 It has been a really exciting day for me. Not only did I get my first donation on my ko-fi donations page I also had a group reach out to me on twitter to look over their ttrpg and give them a review. I'm very excite to take this next step with the blog and my ttrpg passion.  This weekend is also the last play test for my adventure module before I publish to DM More details to come as I start looking through the World of Wyldrvir.

7/11/21 Hello lovely ttrpg friends. If you are new to Dungeon Fox Chronicles, welcome to the dungeon I'm happy you made it here.  This has been a crazy week as it was FILLED with ttrpgs, some time to paint minis and time to work on the one shot for next weekend. 

Some house keeping:  This week there was some more polishing of articles. I created this blog mostly for me, as I love TTRPG and blogging was a nice way for me to gather thoughts and if someone read it cool. With the social media boost this week thanks to some of the #ttrpgfamily Google Analytics informed me that there are 200% more of you. So THANK YOU and welcome. For this reason I have gone through and polished/updated some of the articles. 

I have added the naptime story and added some details to "Playing with the Younger Generation." Read about three of my created Landmarks under the Worldbuilder's Journal. I have added the list of my painting steps on the Painting page and have added some more recent pictures. I have also added some painting tips.

We are going Bi - Weekly. It has already been changed in the social medias but a friendly reminder that I'm gonna be posting bi-weekly Sundays. This is to make sure that DM Bork has time with his wife away from the table as well. I try to do massive TTRPG for one week (usually my 3 tables and the blog update) and then have a week of relaxation with Bork and friends. On my off week you can still expect social media posts but there just won't be a blog post on that Sunday. I will be posting articles on the Sundays around 11 AM Central. Once you see the dated post you'll know that I have updated :)

7/8/21 I have been extremely humbled by the amount of love and followers Dungeon Fox Chronicles has gotten off of Twitter in the last 24 hours. It is a great reminder how supportive the ttrpg family can be. In honor of that I am putting on a give away on Twitter. Check out our social media for more details there. 

      Also as a mid week bonus there is also an updated blog entry in The Worldbuilder's Journal section. Happy Thursday you all. 

7/4/21 Happy Fourth of July. Thanks to those you came and joined me for the Twitch stream this morning. I have fun playing games and hanging out. Just a reminder as it is the holiday we will not be posting an article today. Today's agenda will be painting some miniatures and finishing up the first campaign of Critical Role on YouTube.  

Next Sunday we will be back with more blog articles and we will be taking up a bi-weekly schedule. This week is filled with lots of TTRPG goodies. Tomorrow we will be gathering in person to finish DM Bork's Rick and Morty dungeon campaign.  Tuesday and Thursday we are back to our normal bi-weekly game schedules.  On Wednesday it will be the last of the session zeros for the homebrew one shot game I will be running on the 17th . Friday the 9th this week I am hoping to partake on the next WizKid paint night once I get home from work. Will be going to the game store today to pick up my kit. 

If you want daily updates make sure to follow our social media accounts. We're on Facebook, Instagram, Twitch,  and now Twitter

7/2/21 There has been the updated story for the Sunday Starter Set added from our last session's play. Read more under the Dungeon Chronicles tab. 

7/1/21 My apologizes as I realized I updated all my social media... EXCEPT for my blog. Big Foxy Face Palm for me. I am still on a hiatus, Bork and I had a fantastic anniversary trip up to the boundary waters. Check out Instagram and Facebook for pictures from that . We won't be back this weekend as we are now gearing up for a kayaking trip with DM Bork's family for the Fourth of July. 

What's new in the meantime? I have started dabbling with Twitch. When I play some TTRPG related games (such as Guild of Dungeoneering which I did Monday) I'll try to pop on for a chat and so you can hang out. I also did some map work last night on Roll20 which is now on Twitch for 14 days for viewing. Be forgiving as I learn the ropes of the digital world of streaming. On that note I have a new bi weekly 5E D&D group that will be starting up in August and will be trying to stream our game on Twitch for your viewing pleasure. 

I also now have a twitter! This is definitely a new thing for me to learn so again, thank you for patience as I try to make sure that those who want it have a chance to see my content. 

So what is the Fox working on for future blog post? I am working on two doozies with two very long articles. The first is a how to play 5e D&D for new players and the other is about being a DM. I see lots of questions about new players, what new DM's should expect and a lot of people trying to learn the basics on 5th edition. I hope these two future articles can help and give some resources for new players. 

6/20/21 Happy Father's Day to you all. Today I added the complex trap that I wrote for the D&D Dungeon Master Challenge. I introduce you to "Pathway of Druidic Doom"  which I have added at the bottom of the Traps to Die For article. 

6/13/21 Hello adventurers and well met. Today's blog article is on Traps. I present Traps to Die For which goes over traps for 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons. I like adding a good trap now and then to my dungeons. I present to you official rulings, what else I do to add my own flavor and what I recommend for adding them into your dungeons. 


Quick update for today. Had three pieces added to Ask A Fox. These include an explanation about reading combat stats on monsters, working with players who cancel and creating one-shots. It has definitely been a Monday here for DM Bork and I as my father-in-law's dice guardian (16 year old dog) had to be put down today. May your week go well, your dice rolls be lucky and your dice guardians ever watchful. 

6/6/21  Two new articles for your amusement this week. The first one is a quick intro to one of my favorite hidden gems in your official printed materials with their Diverting Disclaimers. If you have been following my social media, Wednesday I got to play as a player as DM Bork took up the DM mantle once again to play with the Dungeons & Dragons vs Rick and Morty

6/4/21 This past Wednesday we had a great time with DM Bork getting back into the DM chair after a 5 year hiatus to play the Rick and Morty D&D box to celebrate our dear TimintheFlesh's birthday. It was a blast, and definitely a recommendation for those who are a fan of Rick. We only got a few of the rooms in the dungeon done and we do have another date scheduled to continue later this month. 

Last night was also another session zero for my July one shot. It had some very interesting character developments that I am going to enjoy playing with in game to see how some things work out. Also character flaws are so great when you know there will be things coming that will test the limits of will saves against flaws and bad habits. 

Hope you are all doing well and your adventures in life and at the table are going good. Until next time, may your dice roll in your favor.  

5/30/21 Though there is no official blog posting for today there are some edits/ updates to a few of the already published articles. I added a section talking about Little Book of Battle Mats to Mapping the Scenes. I also updated A Young Adventurer's Guide Beasts & Behemoths and Dm Communication. A little more house keeping got done in the form of making sure all articles had publication/ last updated dates. 

5/25/21 Uploaded the last session update for my Sunday group. We had a good Tyranny of Dragons evening tonight. My dice was unkind towards the players with the lightning breath weapon. 

5/23/21   It has been a very busy D&D week, and now I can finally share things with you. Yesterday we celebrated my birthday with a Mystery One Shot. Each of my players selected a box that had a 5th lvl character to play for the day's session. You can read more about it here. We played a 4 hour session in the Guildhall of the Gamers Den and had a fantastic time. 

Ask A Fox has a new answer to a submission posted, talking about the 6 things I do before each session to prep for my bi weekly/monthly games. 

In honor of Tuesday's release of Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft I publish to you my review of the Dungeons and Dragons Castle Ravenloft Board Game. I love the Ravenloft/Barovia setting and one day hope to run the ReVamped box for an in person group.

5/16/21 It's another weekend come and almost gone. Yesterday was another great day for a D&D session zero, and now it has brought us to a blog posting day! 

Today is the review on The Legend of Drizzt board game with Dungeon Crawl in a Box. We have had this board game for many years and it has brought lots of fun game play (and a few tpks).  There is also another entry for the Worldbuilder's  Journal with 6 inns and taverns for you to use as you see fit. 

Please excuse the possible absentness on the social media accounts this week. Next Saturday will be the very anticipated (by me) one shot game at The Gamers Den Guildhall and my extra brain cells will be continuing to refine that work. Next Sunday I will be able to finally talk about what I have been creating and show some of the pieces I have gotten specifically for that game. 

5/13/21 Happy belated teacher appreciation week. As the families of my class have been giving me Target gift cards as thank you and holiday gifts I have slowly been saving them and finally made a purchase. Today I got my mail and two new D&D books. Even though I own all the books digitally there is nothing like having a physical copy. Now I own a physical of  the Curse of Strahd and Dm Bork has decided that he is interested in running Avernus so he will be holding onto that copy. 

5/11/21 It was another successful Tues D&D. The Tipsy Mermaid dice I got from my Kraken dice mail yesterday was super strong with at least 5 nat 20's. I may absolutely love the dice but I have put it to the side to make sure that I am using fair dice when it comes to my players and NOT trying to actively murder them. I am working on getting the Chronicles piece typed up so you can read the full adventures of my Tuesday group. 

5/9/21 I am glad this last week is over and this coming week is filled with some more table top goodness. Today I bring to you the first blog entry under The Worldbuilder's Journal. This will be a blog article where I work through the different questions and prompts published in the journal and post here for your amusement and use if you wish. 

What is the fox brewing up? Two weeks (minus one day) I will be running a special event on my birthday. It will be the first time that me and some of my players (all whom will have had their vaccinations) will be able to play in person. Nothing like celebrating in style with some D&D. The way the game is run is I will have 5 boxes, one for each of my players, that are wax sealed shut. In each box will be a lvl 5 character, miniature and dice that the player will have to use for my mini adventure. They will not get to know what is inside the box until everyone has picked a mystery package. I am excited to continue working on the one shot and the character sheets for this event. An article will be posted afterward that will contain more details, a copy of the character sheets and possibly  a copy of my one shot as well but since my players are also my friends who follow this blog I will not post many spoilers until after the event has passed. 

5/4/21 Happy May the Forth. Today I started a new child down their D&D path. DM Bork and I also went on a little Kraken Dice shopping spree as they had a day long sale. Starting to prepare for this weekend's blog article. This week is free of D&D games but next week will pick back up with Tues, Thurs and another session zero. 

5/2/21 Hope you all had a fantastic Beltane/May Day yesterday. Dm Bork and I got to see a small group of our vaccinated friends for a bonfire last night and it was much needed. Today you may notice that I have changed the look to some of the pages and have added the amazing new logo. Dungeon Fox Chronicles has an official new profile done by the talented and lovely artist Lauren Mattson @lmattsonart. I can't express how much I love my new foxy logo. It is nice to have something made by a professional rather than my Microsoft paint fox. Check out some more of Lauren's amazing art in her Instagram page at

Today's uploads include: The update to my Starter Set Campaign, and an article called Proud to be a Dice Goblin. In Proud to be a Dice Goblin I go over both DM Bork and my dice hoard, and different reasons why one may want different dice sets. 

4/29/21 Tonight was a night of too many ones. Between the three of us at the table, there was 12 nat ones in a span of an hour and 45 minutes. It was quite disheartening and the two hours battle made things very hairy as the rouge took a few moments of unconsciousness. 

4/28/21 Too much to write and needing more time to do it. Sunday's game went well and accomplished so much. Still writing up what happened.. and am on my 6th notebook column. I promise it's coming. Also last night had a fantastic evening with my Tues D&D crew. Lots of quotes from last night's game. Lots of quotes that created a lot of laughs. Happy Wednesday and know things are in progress and coming to you soon. 

4/26/21  Lots of news and so little time. This week is filled with lots of ttrpg goodness. This past Sunday my Starter Set group played, look for a posting soon on the recap. On my table this week is our TuesD&D group, our Thursday Storm Kings Thunder group and on Sunday is  another round for the Starter Set. On this upcoming Sunday, before I Dm for the starter set, I am also hosting a digital session zero for my July playtest group. In addition to updating the website I have a homebrew one shot that is getting refined and after the July playtest happens I hope to publish this one shot adventure. 

Another big thing is I have new art work for Dungeon Fox Chronicles!!! This weekend the blog will be getting a face lift with our new logo done by the amazing artist Lauren Mattson!! Sunday will have lots of  changes in the new logo, new articles and a new month meaning back to weekly articles. Stay tuned! 

4/18/21 Call of Cthulhu has been the focus on this week. DM Bork is getting inspiration and a longing to also become a Keeper by listening to Creepy Pastas on Youtube. The first article this week is Down With the Sickness which looks at some of the mental anguish that come with the game. The other article is on a game called Spot it! which has numerous mini games to play. 

4/16/21 A much needed end to the week has arrived. The 100 follower give away on Instagram has come to a close and the package is ready to be shipped out. Blog articles have been written on paper, just need to focus on typing them up for you lovely readers for the Sunday upload. 

4/13/21 Happy Tuesday. The past couple days has been lots of fun as I got to post my first give away in celebration for 100 followers on the Instagram. I have enjoyed reading about people's favorite things about table top gaming.

Today is the continuation into chapter three of Hoard of the Dragon Queen. The rolls are already off to an amusing start, and the cursed dice has made sure that they have not stealthed their way into camp. 

4/10/21 It was a very chaotic week at work so I am glad that today could start out right with a trip to the local game store. Lots of goodies purchased and now I get to sit and write some D&D things. Besides working on next weeks blog article I am dusting off the cobwebs from my notes. Last October I wrote a one shot for BM Bork's birthday with the intent of publishing it. The play test went well and I got great feed back from the players. Now it is time to finally polish it up and get it ready for a second playtest with a different group. 

This coming week I am back with my two bi weekly groups and the Sunday article posting. Make sure to keep an eye out on the Instagram for an upcoming celebratory giveaway as we have hit 100 followers. 

4/4/21 Happy Bunny Day, may no killer rabbits take over you tables. Today's article is on A Young Adventure's Guide Beasts and Behemoths. This is the last of the guides that I had yet to review, and thanks to the local library I was able to do so. I hope you enjoy the review. 

3/29/21  After lots and lots of hand sewing (my apron dress being finished in the parking lot of the photo shoot site) I can now rest from sewing and get back into the realm of D&D. My table has been quite quiet the last two weeks as all my groups needed a mental health break and time to do their own things. This week we start back up with a full Tues/Thurs/Sat schedule. Even though it has only been two weeks off I have missed table top gaming and am ready to get back into the Dungeon Master Realm. 

3/21/21 The article for today is a little different than my usual postings. Fantasy is a huge part of DM Bork and my life. In Magic in Our Lives: What the Fox is going on with DM Wolfsfox I give y'all a peek into the magic of that we enjoy. 

   This is also an announcement of the blog is going to go bi-weekly until some other projects get finished. Life is hectic in the real world and as much as I want to stay primarily in the world of D&D for the rest of March and the month of April I will be bi-weekly postings. May should be when I can resume ever week postings. 

3/16/21 Today Candlekeep Mysteries was launched. Very excited to pick up my hard copy on Friday. Paging through the D&D Beyond Digital copy I am stoked. There will be a review in the future, probably not this weekend but soon. 

3/14/21 Happy Sunday. After lots of work and time I am finally able to present to you the article on Lost Mine of Phandelver. This article is meant primarily for Dungeon Masters and has lots of spoilers and details for the adventure. With this article I am adding in my DM guide. The guide is meant to be used with the written module and has my personal notes on the adventure. The DM guide is still in progress, but section one is ready and posted for you all. When the whole document is finished I will post a link to the google article. 

3/13/21 Another mostly successful Saturday gaming with the Starter Set. Roll 20 was giving me some issues but the kids and players seemed to have a good time. Dice rolls were a lot higher than our last session. Now time to keep typing for tomorrow's post. Hope your Saturday's are going well. 

3/7/21 After a long week of recovery  I have for you an article on the Dungeon and Dragons Stranger Things box presented by Hasbro. My dm guide for Lost Mine of Phandelver is still being worked on and still in the docket for publication next. Today I run my starter set group. Update to come on Instagram/Facebook later tonight after the session. 

3/1/21 Happy March.  This week we got a full plate with three of our 5e games. Check out our Instagram or Facebook Tues, Thurs and Sunday to see the first rolls and any quotes from the sessions. I'm feeling a bit better this morning, I'm gonna make the most of the day and type while I'm still awake.  

2/27/21 There will not be a blog article posted tomorrow. I am getting my second Covid vaccine tonight and I'm not sure how I'll be feeling this evening or tomorrow morning. Life has been quite busy and I feel like this week's article on the Stranger Things Starter Box needs a little more love before publishing. We'll be back next week full force and will try to have two articles for Sunday: Stranger Things Starter Box and Dm Wolfsfox's dungeon master guide to The Lost Mine of Phandelver. May you all be well till then and may you have good rolls. 

2/21/21 Another week down. Today I talk about communication as a dm with your players. 

2/14/21 Happy Valentines Day. Today for your reading pleasure I have Starting at the very Beginning  Some things to look forward to next week include my updated Tales from the Fox's Table. All my groups have been sorted and reconfigured so I will be changing all the pages to match the right PC's and adding the updated stories. 

2/12/21 Dm Bork made us delicious made one of the delicious recipes from the Hero's Feast cook book: the Traveler's Stew. It had both of our thumbs of approval. Only change was he put red wine inside of Beer into the stew. Will definitely will be made again for our ttrpg group. 

2/10/21 M is for monsters. This week I got to teach my pre-k kids about "monsters" using the young adventurer's guide books "Monsters and Creatures" and "Beasts and Behemoths". Some favorites as we went through included of course the Unicorn, Pegasus and Dragons but some others were the lycanthropes and flumph.

2/7/21  May you have a pleasant Sunday. Today for your reading pleasure I bring to you another addition to the 4th Edition Upcycling: Heroes of the Feywild. I also talk about the 5th Edition Dungeon Master Screen and what things I use behind the screen to make sure my games run smoothly. 

2/6/21 Today marks my third time this week that I have been able to run a game. A new group starts their journey on their way to Phandelver, and some party members from groups on hiatus have joined active campaigns. It has been a great week of gaming and I look forward to updating you all. Thank you for those who continue to support Dungeon Fox Chronicles on Instagram where I  try to do daily postings of our various gaming related madness. 

1/31/21 Sunday has come concluding a very busy week. Here we go with another day of uploads for your ttrpg pleasure. Doom Comes from the DM Notebook talks about the numerous journals I keep and where I get some of my homebrew and DMing inspirations from. May you have a great last day of January. There are also more answers in the Ask A Fox for those who have posed questions. 

1/24/21 This week I look at building maps for  your in person games. There are a lot of accessories and tools that I use to make a visual playing field for my players. Read more about how I use tools in Mapping the Scenes

1/21/21 This weekend's blog article will be about physical maps and how to make the scene using pre-made items.  Hope everyone's work week is going well. Hold on, we're almost to the weekend. 

1/17/21 Another week through meaning it is time for a new blog article. This comes to you in two pieces: Playing with Younger Generation and a review on The Young Adventurer's Collection.  Added a few more accessories to my list as well.  

There is a bit of clean up that I did to the website in regards to my current games. Tales From the Fox's Tables has currently be unlinked to their pages until I catch up with the stories and figure out the new group  configurations to make sure that the story chronicles stay together.  I also fixed the link to Dysfunctional Dice. Thank you for patience as I make sure that the blog is the best it can be for you dear readers. 

1/14/21 Pulled out some of the old Dragon Magazines to look at what I would like to update for the Upcycling page. There is so many good pieces from the past that I want to work on. So many blog ideas, not an equal amount of time to type. As always, stay tuned for more. 

1/13/21  This weekend's article will be focusing on young players and resources such as The Young Adventure's Collection. These books helped spark the interest in the children of my previous daycare center. Miss that group and their pure child imagination. 

1/10/21 Really big article today, didn't realize how long it was until after it was done. For your reading pleasure I present The Essentials Kit vs. The Starters Kit. I have been approached a few times in the last week by individuals who have purchased the boxes but not sure where to start. This article will tell you what are in them, and DM Wolfsfox's opinion on  each of the materials. 

1/9/20 Hey, we made it to the weekend! I have been feeling a bit under the weather but I am working on making sure that at least one new blog article makes it up for tomorrow morning's deadline. I want to say thank you. We've been up for a little over a month now and we are at 59 followers with 51 posts and the Facebook has gone up to 23 likes. All the support has been amazing and greatly appreciated. When I started a month ago I never expected to have some "top fans" let alone this many people interested in my work. Here's to 2021 and hopefully a lot more works to come. 

1/5/21 It's that time again for Tues D&D or T&D for Tyranny of Dragons. Let's see what little gemstones of quotes they give us tonight. 

1/4/21 Hope everyone is having  a fantastic Mimic Monday. Already missing all the extra writing time. This week I am focusing on writing about the Starter Set vs. the Essentials Kit. I also hope to write more for those who are interested in starting down their path as a DM. One day down and 4 more to go till the weekend. We got this! May your dice roll high and you all make the saving throws needed to make it through the week. 

1/3/21 Lots of fun things for you all to enjoy with today's uploads. Lots of topics have some uploads. For your Cthulhu reading pleasure I present: Finding Inspiration in Unique Places, and Pick a Card. Surprise! It's Human Combustion. There is also the first entry in Dysfunctional Dice and an addition in our Dungeon Mayhem called Monster Madness. In response to some online gaming questions I present to you How to Get Playing- Finding a Group and Running a Digital Game. Both of these articles have a lot of resources that I use. 

1/1/21 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Hope you all are ready for a fresh start. DM Bork and my New Year had a lot of Dungeon Mayhem and Monster Madness playtime time. Love me some Hoots McGoots. Getting lots of great questions and lots of motivations to write today. 

12/31/20 Hope you all are having a fantastic New Years Eve.  Rolled out stats for the new year. Hoping that the intelligence level coming in 2021 is higher than a 6.  Thank you all for the support as we are now a month into being live. Here's to some great things to come in the New Year. Hoping to have lots to upload for you all this coming Sunday for our first Blog article release of 2021.

12/27/20 It has been nice to have some extra holiday time to keep working on updating some of the Coming Soon sections to completion. Today for your reading pleasure we have Three is a Magic (Items) Number, and Prop it UP!  It has been really fun updating some of the sections as well. Upcycling the Dungeons of the Past is now a live page. I am currently working through the Fourth Edition manuals we have. This week you can read the section on Divine Powers

12/26/20 Wondering where you can find the answers to the questions you send? Check out Ask a Fox. Have a question that you want answered? Feel free to email or send a message on the Facebook page. 

12/24/20 Big bummer of the evening has been finding out that my blog website hasn't been showing up for anyone on Google. The only way anyone has been able to find it is if they had a link or physically typed in the web page. Working of fixing it. Hope more can come and enjoy our Dungeon Chronicles soon. 

12/23/20 It is blizzarding here like nuts. Hope you are hunkered down by a nice fire for the evening.  Make sure to follow our Instagram or Facebook to see more Dungeon Fox Chronicles content. 

12/22/20 Another Tuesday has come, meaning more Hoard of the Dragon Queen tonight. Added more to Ask a Fox about how I got into DMing. 

12/20/20 Today's blog posting is about D&D Beyond. I cannot stress enough on how much easier it has been to teach people how to play D&D and made my life easier as a DM using this digital tool. 

12/19/20 Had an exciting day hanging out with one of DM Bork and my favorite lovely people. Talked lots about D&D, heard more about her 5e campaigns and had a blast. Have some amazing artwork coming in the future for the blog!

12/18/20 It is finally Friday. This week has seemed to crawl on but I hope y'all make it over the finish line to the weekend. Added a few more entries to the "Ask a Fox." 

12/16/20 Happy Wednesday! This Sunday I will be posting about D&D Beyond. I am also working on adding some updates on the Dungeon Chronicles tab with stories from my games. Thank you all for the support and sticking around. Dungeon Fox Chronicles is now two and a half weeks old. There is so much more to come.

This bookshelf has five shelves on it. The top row has a variety of 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons books along with D&D Dungeon Tile boxes. There is a copy of the Art and Arcana book and Hero's Feast as well. The second show has knick knacks such as a blueberry and purple colored ceramic wine decanter, copper incense burners, two ceramic Jester shoes, a 3 inch pewter wizard in a pointy hat and a Celtic box that holds some dice inside.  The third shelf shares from left to right Pathfinder Books to Call of Cthulhu books. The fourth shelf has older versions of D&D manuals and d20 texts. The bottom shelf has Warhammer, player notebooks, AD&D manuals and original Dragon Magazines .

12/15/20  For your viewing pleasure a special unboxing! My Father-in-law has a special collection of miniatures one being the original miniature still in the original box.  On the minis page see the 5001 Dungeon Explorers box of miniatures

12/13/20 The blog articles today are to help those interested in the table top rpg game known as Call of Cthulhu. The dark cosmic horror set in time periods such as the 1920's makes my inner historian heart just glow in delight. Come and learn a bit more about one of my favorite games to run. 

For your reading pleasure I present: What is Call of Cthulhu, Starting Down the Path of Madness, and Keeping the Secrets: Tools of the Trade

12/12/20 Today a new section was added to Thoughts From Behind the Screen, called "Ask a Fox".  Here you can find questions that I have been asked along with quick rulings that I have made. These will be things that I don't feel need full blog articles written about but is information some of you may like to know. 

12/11/20 This Sunday's  blog posts are What is Call of  Cthulhu for the uninitiated and my thoughts on the Starter Set for Cthulhu 7th Edition.  

12/8/20 It is Tues D&D tonight. Wish my players luck as we head to the Raider's Camp in the Hoard of the Dragon Queen. Our group is a Kobold, Air Genasi, War Forged, Kenku, Leonin and Tabaxi. Stories of their heroics to follow. 

12/6/20 Welcome to the Dungeon! Today is the official public launch of Dungeon Fox Chronicles, run by yours truly: DM Wolfsfox. This is a blog that writes about table top gaming on topics that run from D&D 5th Edition, Call of Cthulhu to lesser know table top games. It is my hope to have at least one new thing uploaded for your pleasure every Sunday Morning.  This announcements feed will be used as a type of Table of Contents to what I have written and can be used to see what has been most recently published. 

With today's launch I thought it was best that you get to know me and how I run my games. For your morning reading I present: Rules of Engagement and The Fox's House Rules.  

12/5/20 Hope you are all staying safe on this Krampus Nacht 2020. Keep your eyes peeled for our official launch tomorrow morning at 10 am Central time. 

12/4/20 Happy International Dice Day! To all fellow dice goblins out there with big hoard, and to those just starting down their RPG paths: Happy International Dice Day!  May you roll at least one natural 20 in your next game; or for my Cthulhu lovers: may your push rolls be pleasant and your sanity high.

In honor of International Dice Day here is a couple dice reviews: Buck-a-Box Role Playing Dice; and Kraken Click-Clacks

12/03/20 It is my hope that Sunday 12/6/2020 will be the official launch of Dungeon Fox Chronicles to the public. I look forward to sharing with you all. 

12/02/20- Most of the photos I want have been taken and there are now place- holders for some of the blog articles in process. Feel free to explore the pages to see what is coming soon! Have a question or something you would like to see? Feel free to contact me at 

12/01/20- The first blog article The Motion and Commotion of Dungeon Mayhem has been published for your viewing pleasure. 

11/29/20- The website is now bare-bones "complete" for viewing. Over the next few weeks I hope to have at least one blog article if not more in each of the categories listed on the side navigation tabs. I am excited to start this blogging journey with you all. Please visit the "About the Fox" page to find out more about me, DM Wolfsfox, and how to stay connected.