Düngeonmeister A Drink Master’s Guide

A Great Drink Master's Guide

Do you like mixology? Do you like Tabletop gaming? Then this book is for you. Düngeonmeister A Drink Master’s Guide pairs the classic things you find in D&D/Pathfinder and gives it an alcoholic spin. This book was one that I randomly checked out from the library and then instantly went on the Amazon wish list for my own physical copy.

If you are new to mixology or drink making then I recommend reading through the books “Tavern Basics” where it gives you an idea of what essential spirits and ingredients you should keep to make your tavern bar keep running, along with some extra stuff (such as luster dust) that can take the visual effects to the next level. What I love about this book is every drink recipe has some lore, an easy to understand ingredients and recipe followed by a düngeonmeister tip. The artwork is simplistic but well done in the flavor of the drink that it is representing. I also appreciate that the authors have a complexity system in which they say how hard it is to make each drink and then how much each recipe makes.

The book is broken down into themed chapters.

Chapter 1: Spirited species (my favorite from that section is the Dwarven Forge)

Chapter 2: Class-Y Drinks (favorites include Bard’s Songs and Flavored Enemy)

Chapter 3: Skilled Selections (favorites from this chapter are Seduction Rolls and Twin Strikes)

Chapter 4: Magic Mixers (With classic names like Elemental Plane of Fire punch bowl, Faerie Fire, Blue Mana and Goodberries)

Chapter 5: Muddled Minions (Including but not limited to Gelatinous Cube Jello Shots, Goblin Grenades, Wight Russian and Kobold Fashioned)

Chapter 6: Immense Intoxicants (With amusing names like “The 666 Layers of the Abyss, Now with Coconut”, Claw Claw Snakebite, and Mai Tyrant)

Chapter 7: Metagame Madness (where the name Düngeonmeister is also the name of a drink and the book, and “Fudge the Dice” is something delicious, and a good reminder to “Never Split the Party” in the form of a punch)

Chapter 8: Alcoholic artifacts (Electrum pieces are liquid and you can gaze into your own Pool of Radiance)

There are also US/Metric conversion charts to help those who need to do some math to take the Metric ounces of the recipes to something more familiar.

Last Thoughts From the Fox:

I was very amused and pleased with this book. There are some classic cocktail recipes reskinned with ttrpg names, new spins on classic cocktails and some beverages that were completely new to DM Bork and I. If you are an adventurer who enjoys bringing a tavern to life at your own home I would recommend getting this book. If you love TTRPGs and are just starting to get into mixology, there are some “Easier” categorized recipes that you can try and work your way up to some more complicated ones. I was also happy that there was such a wide variety of drink types from cocktails, to punch bowls, a little tiki and some bizarre in between. The spread of different alcohols and liquors was also nice in case you have tavern patrons who’s pallets differ from your own.